
White to move and win material (2)


Here is another puzzle in which you have to win material. It isn't very hard, though.








I hope you liked it =)


THere are so many ways for White to stick it to Black here I couldn't fiogure out which one you were looking at:

Qb6+ wins Rook;

My personal favorite, Bxf8 disc+ wins Bishop and causes Black to start Armaggedon Q-&R exchanges to avoid mate.

What was solution??


The solution was giving up for bishop for black's queen and rook and still having serious mating threats. I do agree that there are several ways for white to win (tons of) material, but I considered this solution to win the most, plus keep up a good position for black.

I can understand it if the many options made this (perhaps) an ambiguous puzzle, though I find this is the best way. Feel free to tell me if you think different.

Greetings by Player8-CHAMPION.

(P.S: So, the solution was Be7+ Kxe7 Qxc8 with the rook on a7 hanging.)


I was hoping for a queen check on the king though


That could've been an option, but it is less effective than this solution.

For example: Qb6+ Ke8 Qxa7 Bxd6 Rxd6 Ne7 offers counterplay on behalf of just a rook. The soultion of the puzzle allows a queen AND a rook to be taken for only a bishop and white still has incredible threats, black most likely cannot overcome.

I hope you now understand why I chose for this solution, rather than a different one.

Greetings from Player8-CHAMPION.


bxb,ke8.qxq finishes the job.....interesting.



Please note, Bxf8+ is met with Rd7.


Looks like there is indeed. I think though that in the actual game I mated my opponent faster. Nevertheless it looks like black can't defend against that (not that his positional was hopeful in the beginning, of course :)).

Greetings from Player8-CHAMPION.

Player8-CHAMPION wrote:


Please note, Bxf8+ is met with Rd7.     Ahhh, your right but he said win material, rxr,qxr,qxq and whites a b. up.     You want to finish play be7 dlb. +,kxb,qxq will end in mate.



When there are many ways to win material, you always look for the one which gives most, don't you? I do, which is why the solution to the puzzle is the way it is :).

Greetings from Player8-CHAMPION.