
White to play and gain a winning advantage


I had this position in a tournament.

I played 31. Nf7?! instead and got a dead drawn position.


I dont Think the position after 37. b3 is easily Winning. There is opposite colured bishops and Black Can maybe at some point sacrifice his rook for the White knight. But of course White has fuld compensation for the Exchange.

vill0236 wrote:

I dont Think the position after 37. b3 is easily Winning. There is opposite colured bishops and Black Can maybe at some point sacrifice his rook for the White knight. But of course White has fuld compensation for the Exchange.

It is not "easily" winning, but white has a much better position.

The rook will eventually have to be given up.

Let me make the puzzle a bit longer.

mashanator wrote:

Grandmaster Yereslov strikes again!

Umm, no.

In my game I played 31. Nf7. That lead to a drawish position.

With computer analysis (not my own) I was able to find this line that gives white an advantage in the endgame.

Don't try to troll on this thread.

Savage wrote:

Black is not obliged to play ...Re8. After ...Rg8 I don't see any "winning advantage" for White.

Savage wrote:


Don't see how that's winning for White either.

Houdini gives white an entire pawn in that position.


Just so we're straight, I said a "winning advantage", not a won game.

A winning position is not always a win.

Savage wrote:
Yereslov wrote:

Just so we're straight, I said a "winning advantage", not a won game.

A winning position is not always a win.


Are you sure you're a 2100? 

It's a common term in chess literature.


Savage, just because you lost the argument doesn't meant that you have the right to troll my thread.

Houdini gives white 1.30+.

How can you seriously argue against that?

Savage wrote:

The point of a puzzle is to demonstrate an immediate forced win or winning advantage, not end with a position that Houdini evaluates as +1 ten moves down the line. You really ought to get out of the puzzle composing business; you're crap at it.

White has a winning advantage, Savage.

No human being could defend that position.

You can try it yourself.


1.40+ for white is not a winning advantage?


If 1.40+ for white is not a winning advantage, than I guess this is a valid opening.


Can we see the full game?

Nicholas_Shannon80 wrote:

Can we see the full game?

This wasn't in the game. In my game I played 31. Nf7 bxc5 32. Nxh8 followed by 32...Rh1.


If I wanted to demonstrate that white has a won game, the win would be far more obvious.

Here white has the advantage, and it's enough to win against human opposition.

The only way to draw is too play with 100% accuracy, which is just impossible.


Agreeing with Savage here, and stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a troll, it's an unnecessary ad hominem that adds nothing to the discussion

Savage wrote:

Sorry, but if at the conclusion of a puzzle you're relying on Houdini to show a pawn advantage, then your puzzle sucks.

How does the puzzle suck?

White has a better position as a result of the combination.

I never said it's an "easy" win. I asked for the audience to look for a "winning advantage."

Do you seriously think you could draw that position?

White has an easy passed pawn and two active pieces.

It's easy for him to gain an advantage.

ManlyLadyLumps wrote:

Agreeing with Savage here, and stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a troll, it's an unnecessary ad hominem that adds nothing to the discussion

Trolling is an act designed to provoke an argument regardless of any actual reasoning.

Savage failed to analyze the position.

Plus, how would you know whether it is bad?

This is way beyond your grasp.


I just wondered how you got into such a pickle. You can't just push the pawn there? I guess not, it looks like you'll just be down a couple pawns in the endgame after you trade it for the rook?