
Annoying stuff in live chess...


3 things really annoy me when playing live on

- disconnects, especially with the app. please fix this. It's been going on for years and does not get better.

- Rude people insulting you on chat for no reason, whether they win or lose. There should be a "report rude behaviour" button

- people telling you you're a computer when they lose. Honestly, I'm not even sure how I could use a computer to play blitz. Do people actually do that ? I'm 1450ish in blitz so come on people, if I'm a computer I'm a really bad one !

Am I the only one who thinks this way ?


Your second option can be done, but it just takes a little work on behalf of the offended user, with some screenshots and a ticket to staff. A report button, while a nice idea would be abused a lot. It would also require a lot more staff resources to vet every report, whether it was valid or not.

The latter is similar. People sometime are poor losers. If they really suspect cheating, they need to report, not dash off a chat message. Most of the time they are just angry at losing.

Daffy wrote:

3 things really annoy me when playing live on

- disconnects, especially with the app. please fix this. It's been going on for years and does not get better.

- Rude people insulting you on chat for no reason, whether they win or lose. There should be a "report rude behaviour" button

- people telling you you're a computer when they lose. Honestly, I'm not even sure how I could use a computer to play blitz. Do people actually do that ? I'm 1450ish in blitz so come on people, if I'm a computer I'm a really bad one !

Am I the only one who thinks this way ?

If you don't like it click disable chat everytime you play a game... Though that annoys me because I like saying gg and talking about the game afterwards... Also you could just submit a report abuse tickit to the site.