
Get rid of the yellow borders


Now, in addition to the last move color change it seems the letters and numbers have been moved and there is sort of a back board underneath the board with the chess pieces on it...from bad to worse...


OTB chess never looked so good.  Once we understand the previous move, there's no need to be reminded of this in such annoying fashion.  It's hard enough to develop depth of thought around a chess board, is this supposed to help?


It (yellow-highlighting) is a probably well-intentioned but totally dumb-idea.

It is very distracting indeed whilst trying to look at online-chess board postions.


This site too often implements things where an "update" is not necessarialy needed. I would think that thoughts of changing something like this would be brought to the community as a question: This is what we're thinking of doing. What do you think of it? If enough members respond that they don't like it, at least make it an option in settings.

Phylar, I think from now on when I manage an OTB game, I shall highlight every move with a dry erase marker without asking my opponent. It'd be interesting to see their reaction wouldn't it?


if it can be turn off im ok with it , i dont like it either tho


You can turn it off by going to Home -online chess - setting. 


I only play on-line (correspondence) so having the last move highlighted is useful.

If they wanted to introduce a new type of hlighting, why didn't they just add it as another option rather than forcing it on us.


The new thingies apply for Tactics Trainer as well! What the..? I feel betrayed! Out of words! 


binblaster wrote: please stop changing stuff that is fine and change the things that aren't ok or those that people do want changed! 

It should be an option for not a complete change. If say 80% are using it consistantly then consider to make a change and remove it as an option.


There are several threads about people not liking this now.

I would like to add that the pieces also move sluggish now. The animation stutters.


I like the change.