
Team Matches Я Us


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In the meantime, if you have not already, would you consider joining the matches currently in registration.


Presumably some members get cut from matches a great deal more than others? Balancing this out would be tougher still!


It would be handy to have a setting: Automatically join ALL team matches!

artfizz wrote:

Presumably some members get cut from matches a great deal more than others? Balancing this out would be tougher still!

I am hoping that with random chance it all works out and nobody feels they are being picked on.

Where it appears this does not work is with the lower rated players. There are relatively lower rated players who want to play but it is harder to match them. The other teams do not normally field comparably rated registrants. 

artfizz wrote:

It would be handy to have a setting: Automatically join ALL team matches!

I have to disagree. Players could find themselves overburdened, through no fault of their own, and quit the team.

Or worse, resign or timeout in match games.

artfizz wrote: It would be handy to have a setting: Automatically join ALL team matches!

TadDude wrote: I have to disagree. Players could find themselves overburdened, through no fault of their own, and quit the team.

With other teams more so, but since these matches are regularly oversubscribed & people get cut: it would be less of a problem.

It would only be an option - and could be switched off any time.