
Welcome to the Tournaments Discussion Forum


Hi elgregos :]

I don't think it's even possible to register twice, so it didn't register your 2nd registration. I checked the list of players, you're there.

Your tournament group will be decided according to your rating at the start of the tourney (1st September). If your rating drops afterwards, you'll stay in the group you were assigned to.

elgregos wrote:


I registered to enter the 16th tournament. I'm afraid it's the 2nd time I did it, because I cliked twice on the button. Is it a problem ?

And also, this is the 1401-1600 tournament I registered for. I'm almost 1600 now, but if I go beyond, I'm quite sure I would not win much games on the 1601-1800 where I'll be automatically switched to. What happens if, on the 1601-1800 games, I go under 1600 ? Will I go back to the 1401-1600 tournament ?


Well technically, you won't even have a good chance of reaching the later rounds of the 1401-1600 section unless you actually play at around an 1850+ level, and I doubt you would win the thing unless you are closer to 2000. So you might as well not worry about what section you get into and just play to learn and have fun =P.


hey, i have a problem:

during the spring i joined a tournament that is still ongoing now. the thing is, during the summer i went to some week long workshop where there wasnt access to a computer, so naturally because of the time limits i lost my games on time and am out of the tourney. because of that alone, my timeout rate rose dramatically to 19%, which i figured to be outrageous, this was sometime mid-summer and its gone back and forth between 16-17% even though i never timeout and rarely resign, but it has been over 90 days since that workshop week, yet because of my currrent dropout rate i am unable to join any more tourneys

ive been playing constantly without resigning or timing out to get that to drop, but it just wont budge, i figured it may be a problem with the site itself or maybe im just doing something wrong?

thanks for any help



i want to know if there is any chance to rejoin a tournament which i Withdrew it?

i've done all my games in the first round and get 5.5 points which send me to the next round

the  tournament is running in round 1 now


No sorry, once you're withdraw you can't rejoin it.


ok thanks


Hey,yall like my pic.........add me and this goes 4 the boys..and girl and boys can add me as friedns to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\



atmosphere2 wrote:

ok thanks

 no dnt withdrawl



please look at my tournament on my blog

Anyone 1000-1650 can enter


Well i going to try out a tournament, and then i will see how it´s workes!

I only hope that i dont lose any games cause the time.


Would it be possible to add a Tournaments I have directed section to a player's tournament page?  (i.e. it would correspond to the Tournaments I am currently directing section) At the moment, once a tournament I am directing is complete, there is no way to link to it other than try to find it from memory, unless it was one that I played in myself, in which case I can find it under My Completed Tournaments. Thanks.


Someone please tell me what does tie break points mean when I participate in any chess tournament, and how to increase them ??? I have witnessed tie break points take you to top someone please help me reply... I also want to get on to :(


Does this page help?

kohai wrote:

Thanks mate :)


How do you ensure no one uses chess programs? Especially for correspondence chess of this nature there is a high chance some may take recourse to unfair means.It would hurt the ratings of genuine players.


Hi, I registered for an official tournament that should have started some minutes ago. It's a thematic one (forgot which one, but there shouldn't be a lot of official thematic tournaments), for 1600-1800 elo. I'm around 1650, so I guess I could have entered. Now the tournament has disappeared from my upcoming list, I'm not in, and I can't find it anywhere in the current tournaments list, which btw is buggy and unpractical (impossible to find a tournament with less than 75% completion). It's not on the upcoming list neither. What's happening ?


Just as elgregos said... There Is NO "17th Tournament (1601-1800)" this should be the link... but... that category is Missing... 


edit : Now it works...


Me too elgeros, the theme was Ruy Lopez, Schliemann defence


Ok, the tournament has begun and I'm in (as aldlv and Jat199 I hope). It seems there was some kind of lag, no problem now.


the problem is NOT with the Ruy Lopez tournament... is with the 17th Tournament (1601-1800).....