EL 2018 R9: Team England vs Team Russia

Team Russia gañou o encontro
Finalizado o
Xogadores por equipo
Días por xogada
Partidas simultáneas
Inscrición aberta
Intervalo de puntuación
Mínimo de partidas
Inicio automático
The European League is a team match tournament between European national teams on chess.com. The main purpose of the European League is to provide as many players as possible the chance to play against people from all of Europe in friendly competition. All players are asked to choose one European League team to play for at the beginning of the year, and to stick with that team for the rest of the season.
Estatísticas do club
Team Russia
Team Russia
  • En xogo:
  • Puntos totais:
  • Encontros gañados:
  • Puntuación media:
  • Posición actual:
Team England
Team England
  • En xogo:
  • Puntos totais:
  • Encontros gañados:
  • Puntuación media:
  • Posición actual: