
potato history


History of the potato!

The potato originated in the Andes Mountains of South America. The Peruvian mountainous terrain was too cold for wheat or corn but potatoes thrived. The Andean natives not only used potatoes for food but for medicinal purposes. Andean's worshipped potato gods and had ritual celebrations for successful potato harvests.

 In the 1500's Spanish explorers invaded South America. They were in search of gold and new lands. The Inca people were enslaved and forced to work the silver mines in Bolivia. The potato became a common food source for the slaves and for Spanish sailors. The Spanish conquistadors brought gold back to Spain but they also brought the potatoes.

The potato is a member of the nightshade family. The leaves are poisonous. If left in sunlight too long potatoes will turn light green. Green potatoes are bitter to the taste and can cause illness in humans.

 During the 1500's Ireland was war torn. There were constant wars between the English rulers, local nobles and Irish inhabitants. Because of the constant conflicts Ireland's peasant farmers were not able to grow enough food.  In this war-torn country the potato was introduced in approximately 1663. The potato found a perfect growing climate in Ireland. The people of Ireland adopted the rugged plant. The potato could be produced in abundance and was adopted as a daily staple. It became a national food with the popular name given "Irish Potato". In peaceful time it grew in abundance. During war when farms were destroyed potatoes could be buried underground.

In 1845 disaster struck Ireland.  The fungus Phytophthora infestans destroyed potato plants in Ireland. The Irish Potato Famine struck Ireland. Potato crops were destroyed in  1845, 1846 and again in 1848. The Irish were left with no source of income and nothing to eat. Some Irish starved to death. Approximately, one million people died.  Those that could afford to left Ireland for America and Canada. Ships carrying Irish immigrants to America were known as "coffin ships". The ships were over crowded and unsanitary.

The potato did not gain prominence in Europe until 1780's.  The European had other food sources and the potato was considered for the underclass. Eventually, the potato gained acceptance and made its way to North America. Today the potato is a common vegetable in the Western diet. We baked, fried, mashed and etc potatoes.


this is amazing!!!


..thank you my Immortal one:)!