The Film and TV Buffs vs VALHALLA

The Film and TV Buffs ने जीता मैच
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प्रति चाल दिनों की संख्या
समकालिक गेमें
पंजीकरण खुला
रेटिंग दायरा
स्वतः प्रारंभ
Today is the 70th birthday of Stellan Skarsgard, who in amassing 149 screen credits has achieved global fame. He was nominated for a BAFTA & Primetime Emmy for Chernobyl 2019, but has appeared in The Hunt for Red October 1990 Breaking the Waves 1996 Good Will Hunting & Amistad 1997 Ronin 1998 King Arthur 2004 then as Bootstrap Bill in Pirates: Dead Man’s Chest 2006 and repeated in At World’s End 2007, then Bill in Mamma Mia 2008 repeated in Mamma Mia: Here we go again 2018, then also in the Marvel Universe as Erik Selvig in Thor 2011 repeated The Avengers 2012 and Thor: The Dark World 2013 and Avengers; Age of Ultron 2015. Born in Gothenburg, Sweden he was a star in his teens from a TV show in Sweden and worked at Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm 1972-88. He Lives in Stockholm with his second wife and they have a summer house in Oland, just off the coast of Kalmar, Sweden, where he has family, not surprising as he has fathered eight children over five decades. We believe he is worthy of a match in his honour – if the number or ratings do not suit, then please make contact.
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The Film and TV Buffs
The Film and TV Buffs
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