डायमंड सदस्य

Master Oogway: " Yesterday is history ; Tomorrow is a mystery ; Today is a gift.... that is why we call it the present  "

I am an 'L' plater chess novice looking to improve my game by finding like-minded ppl to play with on a casual basis. Love playing OTB or online! Always happy to meet and greet anybody searching for something similar or just for a chat. I grew up in Perth and about three and a half years ago ( which was in 2008 ) I moved to the sprawling metropolis of Sydney, which is where I took up the sport of playing chess! Usually more ball-sport orientated ( love soccer! ), I took to liking chess from watching players such as Aronian and Carlsen in 3 minute blitz and also Anand in his incredible Championship matches. In saying this, I am not one-track minded and am enthusiastic about anything. Feel free to drop me a line anytime, I promise to always reply :) mattyL



Absolutely love this song.... 


and this one.....




         The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!!