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TEN OPENING RULES 1. Open with a center pawn. 2. Develop with threats. 3. Knights before Bishops. 4. Don’t move the same piece twice. 5. Make as few pawn moves as possible in the opening. 6. Don’t bring your Queen out too early. 7. Castle as soon as possible, preferably on the Kingside. 8. Always play to gain control, of the center. 9. Try to maintain at least one pawn in the center. 10. Don’t sacrifice without a clear and adequate reason. For a sacrificed pawn you must: A. Gain three tempi, or B. Deflect the enemy Queen, or C. Prevent castling, or D. Build up a strong attack. TEN MIDDLEGAME RULES 1. Have all your moves fit into definite plans. Rules of Planning: a. A plan must be suggested by some feature in the position. b. A plan must be based on sound strategic principles. c. A plan must be flexible, d. Concrete and, e. Short. Evaluating a Position: a. Material b. Pawn structure c. Piece mobility d. King safety e. Enemy threats 2. When you are material ahead, exchange as many pieces as possible, especially Queens. 3. Avoid serious pawn weaknesses. 4. In cramped positions free yourself by exchanging 5. Don’t bring your King out with your opponent’s Queen on the board. 6. All combinations are based on double attack. 7. If your opponent has one or more pieces exposed, look for a combination. 8. In superior positions, to attack the enemy King, you must open a file for your heavy pieces. 9. In even positions, centralize the action of all your pieces. 10. In inferior positions, the best defense is counter-attack, if possible. ENDGAME 1. Doubled, isolated and blockaded Pawns are weak: Avoid them! 2. Passed Pawns should be advanced as rapidly as possible. 3. If you are one or two Pawns ahead, exchange pieces but not Pawns. 4. If you are one or two Pawns behind, exchange Pawns but not pieces. 5. If you have an advantage, do not leave all the Pawns on one side. 6. If you are one Pawn ahead, in 99 cases out of 100 the game is drawn if there are Pawns on only one side of the board. 7. The easiest endings to win are pure Pawn endings. 8. The easiest endings to draw are those with Bishops of opposite colors. 9. The King is a strong piece: Use it! 10. Do not place your Pawns on the color of your Bishop. 11. Bishops are better than Knights in all except blocked Pawn positions. 12. Two Bishops vs. Bishop and Knight constitute a tangible advantage. 13. Passed Pawns should be blockaded by the King; the only piece which is not harmed by watching a Pawn is the Knight. 14. A rook on the seventh rank is sufficient compensation for a Pawn. 15. Rooks belong behind passed Pawns.

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