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Profile Picture:  Achilles and Ajax playing a board game overseen by Athena, 510 BCE.

May the light guide your moves and illuminate your path, for in its brilliance you shall find strength and clarity in the black and white battle!

A poem about a warrior of Light

In a land of knights and castles, Where battles were fought with swords and shields, There lived a warrior of light, Whose strength lay in his mind's field.

He was a chess player, wise and keen, Who fought his battles on a board of green, With strategy and skill, he faced his foes, And conquered them with his noble prose.

Yet, despite his power and his might, He was a kind and gentle soul, With a heart that shone like a beacon of light, And a spirit that made him whole.

He lent a hand to those in need, And helped them in their hour of greed, For he knew that kindness was the key, To a life that's rich and full of glee.

People vs Tyrants

Sing, oh muse, of a chess match divine, Wherein the people faced tyrants malign, The game began with a clatter and a clink, As pieces were moved with strategic ink.

The tyrants, bold and arrogant in their gait, Thought victory was assured, such was their fate, They mocked and jeered at the humble folk, And boasted of their power, like an oak.

But the people, quick-witted and sly, Had a plan to make the tyrants sigh, They moved their pieces with cunning grace, And soon the tyrants were in disgrace.

The pawns, like warriors, charged ahead, The knights, like noble steeds, their foes did shred, The bishops, with their holy might, Caused the tyrants to tremble with fright.

The rooks, like castles, stood tall and proud, As the tyrants' pieces were pushed and cowed, The queen, like a goddess, ruled the board, As the tyrants' power was swiftly gored.

And so, with a final stroke of the king, The tyrants were checkmated, such was their fling, The people rejoiced with a rapturous cheer, As the tyrants slunk away in fear.

Thus, was the chess match fought and won, By the people, who refused to be undone, Against the tyrants of society, Who thought they had the monopoly.

"A warrior of light never resorts to trickery, but he knows how to distract his opponent." - Paulo Coelho

"Spassky sits over the board with the same dead expression whether he is mating or being mated," - Fischer.

In those years, it was easier to win the Soviet Championship than a game against 'Iron Tigran' - Kasparov

"Since my collaboration with Kasparov, my strategy is as follows: At a time when all players prepare themselves with software, my goal is not to see if my computer is better than my opponent's. In the openings, I just need to reach a position that gives me play. The idea is to be smart rather than trying to crush the other. I try to figure out where he wants to take me and I do my best to not put myself in positions where I could fall into his preparation. I try to play 40 or 50 good moves, and I challenge my opponent to do as much. Even if the position is simple and seems simple, I try to stay focused and creative, to find opportunities that lie within. Not to play it safe. It is important to know how to adapt to all situations." Carlsen