
Earth stuff you should know:

See that ocean? That takes up 71% of the surface of our Earth. It is our future. Ever heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? If you don’t know what that is, search it up. If pollution continues to happen at an alarming rate like it is right now, that will be our whole ocean. Would you like swimming in that? What about eating fish that contain micro plastic? That’s right. You’re eating plastic. Every time you eat fish whether it is in sushi or some other dish, you are eating plastic. This isn’t healthy. We all need to stand up for the ocean. It has rights and doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. If you really care about our future on this planet, copy and paste this into your bio. I bet 99% of you won’t. And put #OceanRights in your status. Our future depends on what the youth does by saving the ocean.

Don't care about animal cruelty? Well, you should! Every sixty seconds one animal suffers abuse. Don't think "At least they don't die, right?" because they do. Every year in just the USA, over 10 million animals die from abuse. Wanna know something even worse? Animals are tortured and killed, and about 97% of them are farm animals. Speaking of torture, what about lab experiments? Well, every year, over 115 million animals are used in experiments around the world. Approximately 75,000 dogs are tortured in US labs every year. Also in the US are more than 10,000 puppy mills. Don't know what a puppy mill is? They are places where female dogs are pressured to make puppies, then the puppies stay in overcrowded places where the puppies are likely to get sick. Another animal that is special is elephants, who have ivory tusks so that makes them very valuable to poachers. Between 35,000-50,000 are poached every year. In the 21st century there are more elephants being poached than being born. What about animals in the ocean? Well, over 100 million sharks are killed every year illegally, mainly for shark fin soup. Now, one last thing. Cages. What happens when cages and animals mix? Well, if you add in the circus, you find out that circus animals spend 96% of their lives in cages. Imagine being stuck in a cage your entire life, letting people gawk at you. Copy this and put it in your profile if you want to spread the word about animal cruelty. 

Isn't this so right? So, if YOU want to spread the word about animal abuse, you can put the animal cruelty paragraph in your bio or put the tag #LoveAnimalsFurever somewhere on your profile (As your status or in your bio!).  

Ok, well that was long. Jeez. Anyways, welcome to the bio of...


I am a boy, my age is *glitching noises*, and um... errr...... you know what? Let's move on.

I am a person who is pretty much stuck in places. I love to play Roblox, and I love to draw and play the piano. I'm going to play orchestra soon (as of March 10th, 2024), and I'm going to play the viola. It just has such a majestic and graceful sound, and I can lift it easily. I also am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do (as of March 10th, 2024). I have one wonderful sister in college that doesn't always do the usual sibling fight thingies. I used to have a fish named Stanley, but then he died in 2019. Press the F key to pay respects to him. He was a wonderful pet fish, but my only one. But then he came back to life as a water bottle (joke that I should delete but won't). 

Codes for prizes:

DM me "screech" for a prize.

DM me "four" for a prize.

DM me "x" for a prize.

DM me "four is the best" for a prize.

DM me "four and x, best friends" for a prize.

And finally, DM me "four and x, best friends forever" for a prize!

I will add more codes soon for you to redeem. I love BFDI, mostly BFB and BFBFB. Oh, I also love math.