Anti-anti-Parrot faction

9 թիմակիցներ
20 սեպ, 2021 թ.
0 Միջոցառում Խաղացվեց

so were pro-parrot cuz were anti-APF happy.png

also we do reg club check so you are not in these clubs: parrot eating society, precomany, precomany old forces, anti-parrot faction, pigeon army - pigeon society, and all other anti-parrot clubs (we know who they are) so dont try to sneak in. and if u act like c47 (they were in apf and quit apf to spy on parrottopia) u know what, were doing daily, cuz if lets say monday u applied, ur in apf and thursday u quit and are applying to this club u might spy so its an immediate NO)

for our rightful cause obv
