i learned chess at age 13 and played a little in high school and with my dad and a couple of friends ..I  got started playing Serious blitz  chess at age 24 ,,i played serious blitz chess in cambridge Mass, harverd square from 1990-2007 roughly .aprox range of blitz strenth at that time 1850--2100 ..not much chess at all dureing 2008 --2017..this last three  years i play a handfull of games daily  of  consistent chess ,,but hardly ever allot of chess in any given day , i play -,slow ,,rapid,,960,,and blitz   at the moment im just on cruise control  skill level  ,,,i need to do a chunk of re-study  of chess books ect ect ,,because my overall skill  is kinda stagnant at the moment  allthough you see 1924 blitz rateing  i commonly , but not consistently ,, defeat up to 2150 blitz players  ..i play on as well ..Thank you for takeing the time to come to  read my bio and sayings on my homepage ,,i hope you found one or two of the philoshophy sayings  you could really relate to ?  if you have a suggestion for a wise or witty chess saying ? then please leave it  thx....I would love to have interesting dialog with you ,,or if your skill level is compatible with mine  in one of the  chess style catagorys then send me a challenge '',,i wish you intellecually challenging  and rewarding fun chess experiances for a long time to come ..''Sincerly---Victor ...

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