
MY ELO HAS DROPPED BECAUSE HAMPTON ROADS CHESS CLUB IS BAD TO YOUR BONES!! If you challenge me in CHESS!!!!! GOOD LUCK!! Your best shot is bullet or blitz... Most likely my little boys will help you as I struggle with them to not move the mouse or climb on me while living on the increment!! Ha-Ha!! I am also a U.S.C.F. player in Virginia. 2012 and Fall 2020 Hampton Roads Chess Club Champion (amateur). Was inactive in chess 2013-2016 but am in preparation for the US Open 2017 to be held in Norfolk Virginia. Keep a low profile in over the board tournament play in hopes of walking away with the big money prize!!! God bless you and your family and may we over come the challenges of this brief life with honor. It is my prayer that we teach our children the correct ways of our loving heavenly father. Have charity for those in need... And in the words of Soke/Hanshi Hiroyuki Teshin Hammada you must cultivate your spirit! Shin, Ki, Tai , Ittoh!!!

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Team 8
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The Coffee Bean Cafe.
The Coffee Bean Cafe. 5 197 թիմակիցներ
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GM Kayden Troff´s Fans.
GM Kayden Troff´s Fans. 17 թիմակիցներ