
Dr. Vernon Coleman is telling to the world about plandemic and coronavirus (cov1d) hoax. Dr. Andrew Kauffman, Dr. Rashid Buttar (he died strangely in 2023) dr. Judy MiKovist, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr Alessandro Loiola (Brasil), Dr António Ferreira and many others around the world.(Aliança internacional de médicos); Luc Montagnier (died whe was telling the world truths); Michael Yeadon and  many say vaccines have toxins. Covyd jab is dangerous, is suspicious (conflits of interests) and the new tecnology in smartphones (5G and 6 G), smarthcities (like pretty prisions) are a big problem to humanity, is to sick us all! Be carefull with all "smarth" hi tech, Internet of things and bodies, Artificial inteligence can be to turn us into digital slaves...be aware from transumanism...evil power people (check world economic forum) just want profit and caos, they don't care about moral or ethics...

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