Anggota Diamond


Chess Advice( う-´)づ

- Here is the list of four tricks

    - Make sure you are aware of all unprotected pieces on the board.

    - Make a list of all forcing moves and don’t forget to check every one of them, at least briefly.

    - Don’t forget to calculate all the exchanges as well.

    - Don’t play natural moves instantly. Take ten extra seconds to double-check everything.

  Please note that all these tricks are not extremely time-consuming. Using them will add at most 30 seconds per move to your thinking time once you get used to them. In fact, you might even save some time on your clock, because your calculation will become more disciplined.

  In the next part, we will add another four tricks that will make your play almost blunder proof.

- How can you avoid committing a mistake? After every move, ask yourself: What has changed in the position? With this question, you will bring your focus to all the subtle changes of the position, and this will help you to avoid visualization problems.

    - The sixth trick is: Always try to work out the forced line till the very end. Often players cut their calculation way too early; either because of laziness, or because they don’t trust their abilities to calculate very far. How do you know that you have come to the end of the line? Simply: there will be no more forcing moves available.

    - The trick No. 7: Don’t lose your focus in simple positions. It takes only one knight to deliver a fork, and only one rook or bishop to pin your piece. Often players feel too safe in endgames and simple middlegames. However, stopping to calculate in any position is a dangerous thing to do.

    - And a final piece of advice: Sooner or later you will blunder in some of your games. That is simply inevitable. Once it happens, remain calm. Don’t get lost in a cloud of depression, lethargy, and self-scolding. In fact, what happens after a blunder is often more important than the blunder itself. Please, try to cut the chain reaction of mistakes. Remember: many bad positions can be saved if a player is up to the task. Of course, it is very difficult to protect your inner peace after blundering.