
I used to live near Waukesha, and I'm convinced that Morgan Geyser is, in her true self, a good & kind person and special to God. God bless her always.

The Slenderman incident hits close to home  because of a similar incident which happened  to me when I was just four years old. At that time I was living  in Milwaukee  and was outside one summer afternoon riding my tricycle . . when all of a sudden, running up behind me, were three of my neighborhood friends, each about four or five years old. They ran up behind me, one with a knife in hand and with that knife, proceeded to stab me in the back. Somehow they got ahold of their father's garden knife and were roaming the area. The knife wound itself wasn't too deep (the blade must have been rather dull, lucky for me), so I wasn't too injured, but it upset my mother so badly that a few days later she miscarried my yet unborn baby brother. My mother forgave those kids, no police were involved ( their father "attended to the matter" with these kids later) and life just got back to normal. That's just how we did things back then - didn't make a big deal out of everything. So when Morgan Geyser (one of the Slendergirls) got involved in this same type of incident, and I saw how horrible she was being treated by everyone, well, I couldn't just stand by and not try to help her all I could over Social Media.  God bless Morgan! :-)