
I was born and raised in Costa Rica and learned to play chess as a small kid. I trained with Bernal Gonzalez during elementary school and was school chess champion in 5th grade and 2nd place in 6th grade. Unfortunately in 7th grade I transfered to a Middle School and High School that lacked a chess club and I pretty much stopped playing. I played a little around 8th grade in Yahoo! Chess and reached a rating of around 1,500. I came to Iowa State University in 2002 and played a little bit with the Cyclone Chess Club including one UCSF tournament where I lost both games against players with 1400-1500 ratings leaving my official USCF record at 0-2. That was back in 2004. From 2004 to 2011 I was busy finishing college, getting my MBA and getting my career going and I played no chess. In 2011 I discovered and it rekindled my love of the game and I decided to come back. I know I'll never be a chessmaster, but I'd like to get to a decent rating of 1,200-1,300 and play a few USCF tournaments.