
1931年9月18日~ 1945年8月15日に行われた日本軍による中国侵略の罪です







































































[Crimes against Japanese invaders in China
Crimes committed during the Japanese invasion of China from September 18, 1931 to August 15, 1945
On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Army launched the September 18 Incident and occupied the northeast of China. Local wars began, which was the beginning of the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression in a broad sense. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese Army launched the July 7 Incident at Lugou Bridge in Beijing, which began a full-scale war of resistance until the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945.

During the 14-year War of Resistance (including the 8-year full-scale War of Resistance and the local Anti-Japanese War in Northeast China after September 18), the Japanese army dried up blood traces and committed numerous crimes, starting with massacres in various places, such as the Nanjing Massacre, which shocked the whole world and resulted in the brutal murder of 300,000 compatriots. Germ warfare, the three-light policy, and so on. During the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression, except for Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Xikang (today's western Sichuan and eastern Tibet), the rest of the provinces suffered serious consequences of Japanese aggression against China.

Introduction of crime
On September 18, 1931, Japan launched the "September 18 Incident" in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, which shocked the whole world. Subsequently, the three provinces of Northeast China quickly fell, and the Chinese residents of Northeast China immediately became Japanese subjugation. On July 7, 1937, Japan launched the July 7 Incident at the Lugou Bridge in present-day Beijing. The full-scale invasion of China began, and the all-out War of resistance broke out. But the battle of Shanghai broke Japan's dream. However, due to the disparity of strength, Shanghai was still occupied in November 1937. Shortly after the fall of Shanghai, on December 13, 1937, Japanese troops occupied Nanking, the seat of the Kuomintang government and the capital of the Republic of China, beginning the horrific Nanking Massacre, and Chiang Kai-shek was forced to move his capital to Chongqing as a wartime secondary capital. Subsequently, a large part of the country was lost, and the people lived in dire straits.

The terrible face of the Japanese after the massacre of Chinese people

It was not until 15 August 1945 that Japan announced its surrender. The people in the occupied areas finally looked forward to this bright day, and the Northeast occupied by the Japanese army and Taiwan, which had been occupied as early as the Sino-Japanese War, returned to the embrace of the motherland.
However, during the 14-year war of resistance, the Japanese army committed numerous crimes. The Nanking Massacre, the Panjiayu Massacre, the Three Lights Policy, germ warfare, gas warfare, rape of women, arson and bombing... A large number of soldiers died on the battlefield, and a large number of civilians were killed innocently.
In eight years, Chinese military and civilian casualties totaled 35 million, almost eight percent of China's total population at the time. With the exception of Tibet, Xinjiang, Xikang (present-day western Sichuan and eastern Tibet), Sichuan, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, and Qinghai, the rest of the provinces were ravaged by the Japanese army.

The September 18 Incident
The beginning of Japanese imperialism's invasion of China
September 18 incident, also known as the Mukden incident, Liutiao Lake incident. On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army in Northeast China suddenly attacked Shenyang and occupied Northeast China by force. The September 18 Incident was a war of aggression against China deliberately created and launched by Japan, the beginning of Japanese imperialism's attempt to conquer China by force, the starting point of China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, marking the beginning of China's local Resistance against Japanese aggression, and the prelude to the Eastern battlefield of World War II. After the September 18 Incident, the Chinese people's local resistance also marked the starting point of the world anti-Fascist War.

On the night of September 18, 1931, in accordance with a carefully planned plot, the Japanese Kuantung Army in northeast China blew up the South Manchurian Railway tracks built by Japan near Liutiao Lake in Shenyang by the railway "garrison", and blamed the Chinese army, and the Japanese army used this as an excuse to shell the Beidaiying of the Northeast Chinese Army, creating the "918 Incident" that shocked the whole world. The next day, the Japanese army occupied Shenyang and successively occupied the three Northeast provinces. In February 1932, the entire northeast was occupied. After that, Japan established the puppet regime of the "Manchukuo" in northeast China, and began to enslave and colonize the people of Northeast China for 14 years, making more than 30 million compatriots in Northeast China suffer the bitter taste of subjugation.

Massacres and tragedies
In order to fully occupy China, the Japanese army weakened the will of the Chinese people to fight. The Japanese army carried out a brutal massacre everywhere. For example, the famous Nanjing Massacre, which caused the death of 300,000 people, and the three-light policy in North China, killing, burning, looting, etc., such as the famous Panjiayu massacre, is a representative of the three-light policy. For example, in May 1938, the Japanese army occupied Xuzhou and made several village slaughtering incidents outside the city, in which several five-year-old girls were raped, killed and eaten alive! The Japanese massacre crime is outrageous, full of righteous indignation!
Pingdingshan massacre in Fushun, Liaoning Province
On September 16, 1932, after the launch of the September 18 Incident, the Japanese Army began to occupy the northeast of China. On September 15, 1932, the anti-Japanese National Salvation Army attacked Fushun on the Fourth and 11th Roads, inflicting heavy damage on the Japanese army. The Japanese army retaliated, and on September 16, 1932, the Japanese army killed 3,000 compatriots in Pingding Mountain village, Fushun, Liaoning Province, in a genocidal massacre. Then he hunted down 24 residents of Qianjinbao village who had fled after hearing the news.

Memorial to fellow victims of the Pingdingshan massacre

Zhenjiang Massacre
The Nanjing Massacre is well known to all. Almost no one knows what happened to the Japanese army in Zhenjiang, a small city on the edge of Nanjing. On December 8, 1937, five days before the fall of Nanjing, Zhenjiang in Jiangsu Province was captured by Japanese invaders.

The defenders of Shanghai rose up against the Japanese
According to the investigation after the massacre, more than 10,000 people were killed in Zhenjiang on the 10th day of the Japanese army.  In addition to massacres, the Japanese burned more than 16,700 houses and raped thousands of local women.

 The Nanjing Massacre

The heinous Nanjing Massacre was a horrific tragedy created by the Japanese aggressors after occupying the capital of the Republic of China, Nanjing. It is a crime of Japanese resistance that almost every Chinese knows. On August 13, 1937, the Japanese army launched the August 13 Incident in Shanghai, near Nanjing, in an attempt to annihilate China within three months. But our army fought tenaciously against the Japanese army in the Battle of Songhu, shattering their dreams. At the end of November 1937, the Japanese army occupied Shanghai. Not long after Shanghai was occupied, Nanjing also declared its fall, and Chiang Kai shek was forced to relocate his capital to Chongqing as a companion capital.

Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese Invading Army

On December 13, 1937, Japan occupied Nanjing. Subsequently, a brutal and inhumane massacre was carried out against the people in Nanjing and the Nationalist soldiers who had already laid down their weapons. Under the command of Japanese Central China Army Commander Ishigen Matsui and 6th Division Commander Shoufu Tani, more than 40 days of bloody massacres were carried out throughout Nanjing, using brutal methods such as collective shooting, live burial, knife chopping, and burning, resulting in the killing of over 300000 Chinese civilians and captured soldiers.

Nanjing Massacre killing contest

The Japanese killed innocents indiscriminately and ruthlessly. Some poured gasoline on the refugees first, and then shot them with guns, and the bullets hit the person, and the fire was ignited, and the refugees were hit by bullets, struggling and churning, and the pain was extreme, and the Japanese clapped and laughed. Some killed the refugees and cut off their heads, picked them on guns, and walked in the streets, laughing and having fun.

In addition, the Japanese 16th Division Nakajima unit two second lieutenant officers, Toshiaki Mukai and Noda Takeshi, encouraged by their commanders, agreed with each other to "kill the race", agreed in the occupation of Nanjing, who killed 100 people first. Noda Takeshi killed 105 and Mukai killed 106. Because it was not possible to determine who had killed 100 people first, it was decided that the game was tied. In such a game, the Japanese army has no humanity at all!

The Japanese army in Nanjing also raped thousands of women in Nanjing city, they raped women day and night, some women were raped several times, some were gang-raped by the Japanese army, and some women could not bear the torture of the Japanese army and died. The Japanese army has reached the point of incest.


In addition, the Japanese army also caused significant property damage in Nanjing. The city of Nanjing was set on fire and looted by the Japanese army, resulting in the destruction of one-third of the city and countless property losses. During their stay in Nanjing, the Japanese army robbed a total of 880,000 volumes of books and documents, exceeding the 850,000 volumes of the Ueno Imperial Library in Tokyo, the largest library in Japan at that time.
Pan Jiayu massacre
During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Eighth Route Army advanced behind enemy lines, rushed to the North China battlefield, mobilized the masses freely, established anti-Japanese base areas, and extensively carried out the people's war.
Panjiayu Village, Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, is a small mountain village on the belt Mountain, and also the earliest and most solid fortress village in eastern Hebei Province during the Anti-Japanese War. Panjiayu people's anti-Japanese struggle, greatly angered the Japanese aggressors, in the face of Panjiayu this can not be defeated, attack can not enter the anti-Japanese fortress, they are afraid all day long, must want to get rid of it quickly, frantic to kill the Panjiayu people.

The Japanese army "mopped up" after the destruction of Pan Jiayu
In 1941, the invading Japanese Army shocked the world by the Panjiayu massacre, in which 1,298 villagers were killed. Most of the villagers were brutally killed by the Japanese army, and only 300 survivors escaped the clutches of death and the Japanese army. Pan Jiayu massacre is one of the representative events of the Japanese Army's implementation of the "three lights" policy (killing, burning, stealing), and it is an indelible crime of the Japanese Army!
The Binh Duong massacre
On September 26, 1943, in order to combat the anti-Japanese forces in North China, the Japanese Army implemented the Three-light policy and searched for the headquarters of our border area and the Eighth Route Army in Pingyang Village, Fuping County, Hebei Province, killing more than 1,000 of our compatriots and burning down more than 5,000 houses. Liu Yaomei, director of the Women's Federation of Luoyu Village and a Communist Party member, was unfortunately captured by the Japanese army. In order to protect the border area organs and anti-Japanese cadres, Liu Yaomei was unyieldingly unyieldingly killed by the enemy and sacrificed her young life for the resistance.

Panjiataizhuang massacre

Panjiadaizhuang, located in Luannan County, Tangshan, Hebei Province, where the Japanese army once again killed Chinese compatriots in 1942.

On December 5, 1942, the First Cavalry Regiment of the 27th Infantry Regiment of the 27th Division of the Japanese invading Army, in accordance with the orders of Major General Suzuki Keihisa to "thoroughly clean up the village" and under the command of Captain Suzuki Nobubu, massacred Panjiataizhuang by extremely cruel means such as shooting with sticks, smashing with shovels and pickaxes, burying alive and burning, killing 1,280 peaceful residents. Burned down 1030 houses, the village property was looted, creating the appalling Panjiataizhuang tragedy.

Cellar massacre

The Japanese factory cellar massacre in Yiyang, Hunan Province was not lost to the Nanjing Massacre, and the ferocity of the Japanese army made the town almost wiped out. The factory cellar massacre is second only to the Nanjing Massacre.

The Factory Cellar Massacre Memorial
After the Japanese launched the "Jiangnan annihilation war", divided into multiple forces by Hubei invaded Hunan, Hunan Yiyang factory cellar was surrounded by the Japanese. During the three days from May 9 to 12, 1943, the inhuman invading Japanese Army brutally killed more than 30,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians in the factory cellar, mutilated and injured more than 3,000 people, raped more than 2,000 women, burned down more than 3,000 houses, and sank or burned more than 2,500 ships.
Zhuhai Sanzao Island massacre
On January 17, 1938, more than 6,000 Japanese troops landed in Liantang Bay, Sanzao Island, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province. After landing, the Japanese army built an airfield in the south of the island and set up a command composed of sea, land and air forces headed by Lieutenant General Fujita. Sanzao was used as a military base for invading South China (especially for occupying Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province). A bloody massacre was carried out on three Focal Islands.

Zhuhai Sanzao Island tragedy memorial site - Sanzao Island mass grave
During the eight-year occupation, the Japanese army killed 2,891 of our Sanzao compatriots, starved 3,500 to death, and secretly killed more than 3,000 migrant workers from Korea (including today's North Korea and South Korea), Taiwan, Wanshan, Hengqin and other places to build airports. In the Sanzao Island massacre, 10,000 innocent people and migrant workers were killed or starved to death by the Japanese army. Today, the mass graves on Sanzao Island have been declared a cultural relic protection unit of Guangdong Province in 1983. It covers an area of 1,000 square meters to commemorate the 10,000 people killed by the Japanese army.
May 1st sweep
On May 1, 1942, the invading Japanese army gathered more than 50,000 Japanese puppet troops, with the cooperation of the Air Force, dispatched hundreds of tanks and cars, and was personally commanded by the commander of the North China Garrison Army, Ningji Okamura, to launch an unprecedented cruel and unprecedented barbaric "iron wall encirclement" -style sweeping.
Relying on temporary advantages, the enemy "encircled" and "cleared" all day long, hunted everywhere for anti-Japanese armed forces and anti-Japanese cadres, searched for anti-Japanese materials, and frantically slaughtered the anti-Japanese masses. Where they have suffered losses, they will retaliate, where there are anti-Japanese activities, they will go to "wipe out", and where they have lived in the Eighth Route Army, anti-Japanese cadres will go to burn and kill. Responsible for a lot of terrible things.
In the course of the mopping up, the Japanese killed or arrested a large number of people in the central Hebei area (today's central Hebei area), resulting in more than 50,000 people being killed or arrested, and all the base areas were turned into Japanese-occupied areas and guerrilla areas.

Setting fires and bombing

During the Japanese invasion of China, they set fire to residential buildings and other buildings multiple times, and also sent planes for bombing. For example, after the Japanese army occupied Shanghai, they set fire to the southern city of Shanghai, causing huge casualties and property damage. The Japanese army also bombed Chongqing, the capital of the Kuomintang, with planes, resulting in the death of 10000 compatriots.

Shanghai Nanshi arson incident

On August 13, 1937, the Japanese army invaded Shanghai and launched the August 13 Incident. In November 1937, although our army fought bravely in the Battle of Songhu, the Japanese army unfortunately still occupied Shanghai. After the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, they immediately set fire to the southern city, causing countless Chinese soldiers and civilians to die in the raging fire. 5255 Chinese factories in Shanghai were occupied, resulting in losses exceeding 800 million yuan.

Bombing of Chongqing

The Chongqing bombing was comparable to the Guernica bombing manufactured by Hitler in Spain. From February 18, 1938 to August 23, 1943, Japan carried out a strategic bombing of Chongqing, the wartime capital of China, for a period of five and a half years. According to incomplete statistics, Japan bombed Chongqing 218 times over the past five years, dispatched over 9000 aircraft, and dropped over 11500 bombs.

Artillery shells used by the Japanese in the Chongqing bombing

More than 10,000 Chongqing compatriots were killed by the Japanese bombing, more than 17,600 civilian houses were destroyed, and the bustling streets of Chongqing were also destroyed by the Japanese and razed to the ground.

Biological warfare
Unit 731, Harbin
Unit 731 is the epidemic prevention and water supply Department of the Japanese Kwantung Army during the Second World War, known as Ishii unit or Kamo unit, and also known as Ishii top secret agency, the full name of the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria 731 Epidemic prevention and water supply unit. The crime evidence site of Unit 731 is located in Pingfang District, Harbin City. The unit was led by Japanese aggressor Shiro Ishii during World War II. Unit 731 was also the name of a secret military medical unit used by the Japanese Fascists during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945) and World War II to conduct research on biological warfare, germ warfare and human experimentation in territories outside Japan. It is also one of the main evidence of the massacre of the Chinese people during the Japanese fascist invasion of Northeast China and the conspiracy to launch the Bacteriological war (from 1931 to the end of World War II in 1945).

Unit 731
Unit 731 was established as early as after the September 18 Incident, with its headquarters in Harbin. Unit 731 provided bacteriological weapons to various bacteriological forces, resulting in bacterial warfare in many areas, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties. In addition, Unit 731 often captured Chinese people to do bacterial experiments instead of laboratory animals, and the Chinese were even worse than laboratory mice. Unit 731 conducted experiments on human beings, resulting in the tragic death of 3,000 Chinese compatriots in Japanese bacterial experiments.

Germ warfare in Changde

In 1941, the Battle of Changsha broke out, and the Kuomintang general Xue Yue killed many Japanese troops in Changsha. Changde in the northwest of Hunan Province, south of Changsha, is a very important strategic point, is the main support of Changsha. Changde became the Japanese heart of the great trouble. Unable to separate forces to attack Changde, the Japanese decided to practice bacterial warfare against Changde.

Shigongqiao Town, the hardest hit area of bacterial warfare in Changde

On November 4, 1941, the Japanese airdropped plague bacteriological weapons on Changde. Subsequently, Changde broke out an unprecedented plague epidemic, many families were broken and killed, the casualties were very serious, and some families even the whole family was wiped out! For example, a family in Shigongqiao Town in Changde has 11 people died in a row, with heavy casualties, only the youngest son of the family studying abroad was not at home and was spared!

During the period from 1996 to 2000, the Changde Bacteriological Warfare Victims Investigation Committee, after visiting, confirmed that in 1941 the bacteriological warfare victims, a total of 7,643 people.

Gas warfare

In addition to bacteria, the Japanese also have a deadly weapon - poison gas. In the course of the war of resistance, the Japanese army used poison gas many times, bringing huge casualties and losses to the Chinese people. For example, the Beitong massacre during the May 1st Sweep is a typical representative of gas warfare.

The North Pupil massacre

On May 1, 1942, in order to deal a heavy blow to the Eighth Route Army's resistance behind the enemy, the Japanese launched a May Day sweep of its "sweep" cruelty and the brutality of its means reached an appalling degree, which is simply outrageous.

On May 27, 1942, in Beitong Village, Dingxian County, Hebei Province (today's Dingzhou City, Baoding, Hebei Province), the enemy once fired poison gas, killing more than 800 Dingxian brigade and people in the tunnel, creating the Beitong Tragedy. The situation is very tragic, the North Hitomi area has experienced a huge catastrophe.

Gas warfare during the Battle of Guilin

In 1944, the Japanese army first captured Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, and pushed into Hengyang, although the Hengyang garrison Fang Xianjou held the lonely city for 47 days and killed many Japanese troops, but Hengyang was finally lost. After the fall of Hengyang, the Japanese army began to attack Guilin, and our army launched a defensive battle of Guilin. In the defensive battle of Guilin, our army was brutally attacked by the Japanese with poison gas at the entrance to the Qixingyan.

Japanese crimes against women
During the War of Resistance, the Japanese army carried out atrocities against women in China and even in Korea and South Korea. The most obvious is rape and the comfort women system. In the Nanjing Massacre alone, Japanese soldiers raped many Chinese women, and some even tortured them to death! The comfort women system hurt not only Chinese women, but also women in South Korea, North Korea and other countries.
The Japanese army's atrocities against women have reached the point of loss of human relations!
In the process of killing Chinese civilians, the Japanese Army also raped Chinese women from time to time and practiced sexual violence against Chinese women! Such violence is even more cruel and torturous than ordinary violence that kills people directly!
During the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese army raped thousands of women, some raped several times by the Japanese Army, and some raped by this Japanese soldier and then raped by another Japanese soldier (gang raped). And they do it day and night, giving these women no time to breathe. Some women were raped to death because they could not stand the torture of the Japanese army!
Not only Nanjing, countless women throughout the country have become the object of Japanese rape, torture and death is also countless! Japanese atrocities against women, not only incest, has been devoid of humanity, even animals are worse!

Comfort woman
Comfort women were prostitutes and women recruited by the Japanese military during World War II to provide sexual services for the Japanese army, mainly through seduction and coercion, Chinese and South Korean historians believe. The so-called comfort women system is actually Japan's sexual slavery system to China, South Korea and other countries.
Women recruited as comfort women were not only women from China (including the mainland and Taiwan), but also women from South Korea, North Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries were recruited as comfort women in large numbers. Therefore, the comfort women system is not only a crime committed by Japan against China, but also an unforgivable crime committed against South Korea and other countries!
Under this system, hundreds of thousands of women around the world were recruited by the Japanese Army as military prostitutes. The Korean Central News Agency put the number of Korean "comfort women" at 200,000, and Su Zhiliang, a professor at Shanghai Normal University, also put the number of Chinese women "comfort women" at 200,000, but the source of both figures is unknown. Some historians put the number of women who were forced into sexual slavery at 400,000 or more.

Comfort station where the comfort women were housed
One comfort woman, the average day against 370 to 380 soldiers. What is this, if not a tragic tragedy? In other words, a comfort woman had to endure the torture of an average of 370 to 380 Japanese soldiers a day!
Although it is difficult to accurately calculate the total number of comfort women because of the mass destruction of archives by the Japanese army at the time of its defeat, some researchers have based their estimates on available data: about 400,000 Asian women were used as sex slaves by the Japanese Army in occupied areas. Most of them were maimed and killed before the war ended. Of the women killed, about 200,000 were Chinese women.

Relevant material evidence
On July 7, 2019, Makoto Matsuno, a Japanese historical researcher, recently found an official report of the Japanese army "Battle Report". It contains detailed records of the use of gas bombs by Japanese poison gas units in northern China in 1939. This is the first time that the gas warfare unit's own records have been found.

The picture shows a screenshot of the Battle Report released by Kyodo News
When the Japanese Army was defeated in the War of Aggression against China, it systematically discarded records to avoid leaving evidence of crimes, and it is impossible to know the full extent of the use of poison gas. The "battle report" found this time may have been kept by someone related to the Japanese gas unit and survived.
The "Detailed Battle Report" is a document of the 5th Battalion, a Japanese gas unit that invaded northern China, detailing the fighting in the mountains of Shanxi Province in July 1939, two years after the outbreak of the war of aggression against China. About 100 pages of documents recorded Japanese combat records, the use of artillery shells, and copies of orders to use gas bombs. The documents also document the early use of "erosive agents" that have not yet been well studied.
In August 2019, the Japanese publishing house Fuji Publishing successively released a new batch of historical documents, including Materials related to the Gas Warfare of the 5th Battalion, detailing the war crimes committed by the Japanese invading Army in China, and the Anti-Epidemic and Water Supply Department of the Kwantung Army, which is related to Unit 731.

Sum up
"Forgetting the past means betrayal." A philosopher in an extremely cold tone succinctly and profoundly said a profound truth, warning people to always remember their own personal, family, country, nation's past, because this past contains a person, a family, a country and a nation's glory and decline, glory and suffering, civilization and barbarism, and all these, It is the history from which we emerge that has a lingering, ceaseless connection with existence. We must not forget the unprecedented humiliation and disaster inflicted on the Chinese nation by the Japanese militarist aggressors more than half a century ago. We must not forget that the Japanese aggressors used swords, guns, germ warfare, poison gas warfare and all the most murderous means against human morality. The brutal slaughter of the Chinese people cannot be forgotten the numerous atrocities committed by the invading Japanese Army against the Chinese people on the land of China, and the enormous sacrifices made by the Chinese people during the eight years of hard fighting against the murderous enemy of Japan in order to safeguard the survival of the nation, the dignity of the country and human beings. This is a history forged with the blood and tears of the Chinese people, full of suffering and shame, containing awakening and struggle, it is cruel and tragic, it is enduring and new.

Pictures of Japan's defeat
Today, the right-wing party forces in Japan attempt to tamper with textbooks, deny the Nanjing Massacre and other facts, deny the crime of aggression against China, and visit the Yasukuni Shrine. To this, we must firmly say: "No!"]


