Tarrasch's classic book 300 Chess Games

Tarrasch's classic book 300 Chess Games

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I have found many quotes from reputable chess writers and reviewers and players calling this book one of the best.  I snagged a copy at The Village Chess Shoppe on Thompson St in NYC, and I've begun putting the games up in the GSC group's forum.  If you'e noticed, I'm trying to resurrect the group (after having found out I'm the admin of it).  Take a look at the games.  Tarrasch aimed the book more at a general audience than say Fischer did with his 60 (which I want to get back to eventually); so it's a great chance to see basic chess ideas most take for granted being presented by the guy that made them basic chess ideas most take for granted.  I think this is agreat book to re-launch the group with.

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