Looking for Seasoned (and Stable) Administrators

Looking for Seasoned (and Stable) Administrators

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Greetings, Folks.

As some of you may be aware, since Rael left, it looks like I'm the sole Admin of this group and a SuperAdmin at that. That hefts the entire responsibility of the care and feeding of this delicate tropical orchid that I affectionately call PWoC (short for Poets and Writers of to Yours Truly.

Well, as a Super, I can deputize regular Admins to help here - your Barney Fifes to my Andy Taylor. It's not like I do a lot here so there's really not much to do:

  • there's no membership approval and scant little membership maintenance
  • there's no Team or Vote challenges
  • there's no formalized structure or rules to enforce
  • edit: there also ain't no Otis to lock-up for drunkeness, but there ain't no Aunt Bea for to bring us fried chicken lunches neither

But what if tomorrow the Big Greyhound Busdriver in the Sky decides to pull over at my stop and ask me aboard? I only got the one-way ticket so I wouldn't be back.

If that scenario unfolds, this group would need someone to fill these very flexible, recently and frequently cleaned, very warm and comfortable shoes. They're so light and care-free, you'd swear you were barefoot! You could be that person - if you've worn shoes before. Grown-up shoes.

So if you already know what it is to be an Administrator (I don't have the time for Mentorship) and you don't have power cravings or axes to grind, well then, can ya help a brutha out? Message me.

Thanks for your time. Now get back out there and push a pawn for the ole Gipper.

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