DM Me Tomato for a prize
IF profile gets to 1000 views by the end of the year my hair will be black and purple.
Missed goals 600 views:2024
Don't message me your clubs.
help me get to 300 blitz elo by the end of the year its a dare I got ;-;
YouTube Channel: Murder_Gaming
Go Watch the funny PC2 Youtuber @CoziestSteak69. Epic dude frfr
Cool People:
@Gloomleer: He is very nice person. Gamer Funnis.
@do-you-think-i-care : Epic person. Finally back online from a 2 week break ;-;
@JadeAlpha: Cool dude... I Guess.
Quotes because why not.
"Don't cover the lights from other people to make your light looks brighter. You just make it harder to see." - c124875
"potato" - someone from fanwings
Revised Version^^
I'm @TheUnidentifiedWolf 2.0 Pls Ban @Kavarin
Me when Forsaken is peak
I like water and salad....