
2nd Event Horizon Tournament | 1000 - 1300 🌌

Data de início: 4 de mar. de 2021

Data de Término: 9 de nov. de 2021

Controle de Tempo
Partidas com rating
Rating médio
Intervalo de Rating
Pontos disponíveis
Tamanho máximo do grupo
# Avançam
Partidas simultâneas
Partidas concluídas
Partidas restantes
Máximo Tempo Médio/Lance
# de Perdas por Tempo
Maior surpresa

🚀 👾 ☄️ 🌌 🕳️ 🚀 👾 ☄️ 🌌 🕳️ 🚀 👾 ☄️ 🌌 🕳️ 🚀 👾 ☄️ 🌌 🕳️ 🚀 👾 ☄️ 🌌 🕳️ 

The Event Horizon of a black hole is linked to the object's escape velocity — the speed that one would need to exceed to escape the black hole's gravitational pull. The closer someone came to a black hole, the greater the speed they would need to escape that massive gravity. The event horizon is the threshold around the black hole where the escape velocity surpasses the speed of light.

1st round: 250 players

2nd round: 100 players

3rd round: 40 players

4th round: 16 players

5th round: 8 players

6th round: 4 players

In order to keep the playing field as fair as possible the following rules will be enforced:

- Players above 1300 will be kicked out before starting the tournament.

- A minimum of 20 completed games is required.