
I will probably get banned for expresing my ideas in a way that put the americans ideals in check , which is kinda funny since USA is the country of freedom, at least by their standars. 

I feel like this war has nothing to do with the interests of Europe and that the americans forced this war upon us with the only purpose to keep expanding their influence by forcing the european countries to increase their dependency on USA. 

While all this crap is happening in europe, and european citizens are dying because of the selfiness of their "protector" Biden has threatened China. Well i guess he would probably use the word "warn" but the truth is far from that. 

If the worst case scenario ever happens, Europe will be left alone with a war they didnt want while the "great" america fighst for the world supremacy against China.

I hope one day the americans stop tormenting the people all over the world and limit theirselves to their country.