Humans are fragile.
More stupid when feeling depressed, accept the helping hand of the devil without realising who he is.
Infact it should be them at that moment of life, that they shall rise, learn and be better than before.
Some learn it themselves, some take influence of a guide, and some drown in the dark sea.
Forgot that "Love" has more meaning than just 4 letters.
Hating is easy, loving is hard, but it's better to hate towards people who deserve, no bias.
A broken soul tend to trust and hold on to the wrong branch of hope and happiness, ofc the branch breaks with time, hurting and breaking the soul further.
You don't need romantic affection to feel loved.
a bird has no fear that the branch it sits upon will break, because it knows it can soar higher than they dream.
Without a warning, Hurry up tomorrow<333
How do I know tomorrow's coming, specially when I always miss the lights.