Diamantni član

I'm finally learning to play, even though at 53 years old my brain is pretty stubborn and worn out. 

A couple of years ago I retired from 30 years in law enforcement and began to suspect that Netflix and exasperated sighs from my wife were all I had to look forward to for the next 25 years. So I am very excited about joining a website with so many engaging ways to learn how to play chess!

And as I suspected, chess players are not only super smart... they're compassionate, funny, and quirky (except for the ones who aren't). 

I hope to get a chance to meet and play men and women from all over the world but I apologize for my poor play, and thank you for your patience, in advance.

P.s. My youngest child, Gabby, is 13 and super smart... but she is really mean! So I am hoping to get her evil energy focused on chess instead of me and her other usual victims. Any advice from women players would be truly welcome.

P.p.s. I'm not a Trump supporter so you don't have to abort games when you see the US flag next to my name. 😂