I have a highly addictive personality, and one of my addictions is chess. I am a huge proponent of Francois-Andre Danican Philidor. Using the Philidor defense has given me great success while playing black. Of course, Garry Kasparov is the greatest chess player of all time, but I believe that Philidor would have something to say about that. Some of my other interests include literature, fast cars, beautiful women, football, hockey, philosophy, computers, and music. This website has given me the opportunity to improve my chess game vastly, and I thank the developers for giving me a chance to play some great games. In closing, here are a few of my favourite people, places, and things: Asceticism, Libertarianism, Fyodor Dostoeyevsky, Jesus Christ, Lamborghinis, Kate Beckinsale, Francois-Andre Danican Philidor, Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Islanders, New York Yankees, Muskoka, bikinis, hot tubs, Turk and Caicos Islands, Iron Maiden, Steely Dan, compassion, integrity, honesty, and above all else: love.