

Start Date: Aug 8, 2009

Finish Date: Mar 16, 2010

Time Control
Games Rated
Avg Rating
Rating Range
Points Available
Max Group Size
# Advance
Simultaneous Games
Completed Games
Tie Breaks
Remaining Games
Max Avg. Time/Move
# of Timeouts
Biggest Upset

This is a tournament that I have thrown together whilst I am on gaurd duty. Against everyone that I have ever played in Online Chess on I hope this turns out to be a good learning experience for all, and I hope I get revenge against some of those who have felled me. Good luck to all, I hope you have some fun, and perhaps even learn a thing or two.


Want to start the tournament?

General_Lee | Aug 8, 2009, 6:24 AM

Considering that this is an Invitation only, tournament with no vacation allowed, I need to know if everyone is ready! Please get back to me ASAP!

         Your Friend,

                    Jacob E. Lee