ڈائمنڈ ممبر

Currently just playing bots for practice at the moment. If I'm playing you right now, I'm probably drunk.

The first time I finally beat my dad

I was 15. He never let me win, and I'm very grateful for it. The excitement of finally besting him has kept me interested in the game. First in the frustrating inability to beat him, then the first taste of victory, and finally the inevitable reversal of roles... Thank you Dad!

Chess aspirations

Of course, I'd love to be in a position to title. I think I'm a little under-rated on here, as I find the visualisation of the 2D board difficult, having learned OTB. But I have a million miles to go and a real admiration of the game to get me there. The truth is, as long as I get to a level where I can truly appreciate the beauty of the game, I'll be happy.

Favourite game

Call me basic but I can't help loving the Opera game.