Diamond Member

Chess is one of my new favorite things to do, just behind playing video games. I  have a YT channel (@dndvirus), where I play said video games.

My elo in chess has gone from 1200 (as I chose intermediate) to 150 to now (back to) 1200 (!!!) or so.

OTB chess tournament tomorrow woohoo. 5/6 and got 2nd woohoo. only lost to the person in first

1-4-2024: I got to 1000 elo, let’s go! Hopefully I will be making a youtube video on it, so subscribe to my channel if you feel like it.

1-18-2024: I'm so close to 1100! UPDATE: nvm I got it. 1101!

1-24-2024: It may have taken me 100 games that I played on my phone while i was procrastinating, but at least now I'm 1200 rapid! I'm back where I began (lol).

1-25-2024: finally actually played the Catalan

1-27-2024: I hate being stuck in 1100-1200.

2-8-2024: After seemingly 20 years (and a 4 game win streak), I am finally at a new peak, 1227.

3-5-2024: I'm going to be streaming chess on twitch at 5 pm est today! (untitled Tuesday)

5-15-24: 1400!! 1300s are easier than 1000s for some reason.

6-18-24: 1500 finally. Time to learn the Sicilian I guess…

also check out my latest YouTube video. I'm starting a series of chess lessons.

Hyper bullet is the stupidest thing ever lol

1300's are easier than 1000s lmao 

literally 1400s refuse to not hang their pieces