Chess4Life | Redmond2

2 lede
02 Feb. 2012
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"Playing chess has opened my son's eyes to strategy and fair play in his every day life. The lessons, tournaments and great staff at Chess4Life have brought our family together in a whole new way, which we may never have come to on our own."- Michelle Robertson (student mother) Chess4Life LLC was founded by National Master Elliott Neff. Through his 18 years of coaching chess, Elliott recognized the great lessons for life that the study of chess provides - lessons that must be learned if one is to become successful in life, such as the value of perseverance through adversity and the priceless experience of achievement after putting in consistent effort. By encouraging students in a positive manner, chess teaches sportsmanship, good decision making, patience, planning, and learning from mistakes. Chess has also been shown to improve critical thinking skills, math competency, English skills, concentration, and spacial reasoning. Elliott's love for children and for chess can be summed up by his mission - Teaching Life Skills Through Chess. Currently, Chess4Life teaches at over 80 schools in the Puget Sound Area and employs over 35 coaches. Our mission is to impact positively, as many children's lives as possible through chess, teaching life skills, character qualities, and the importance of a core set of values...all this through our own personal example as well as by word, recognizing that WHAT we do and show through our actions frequently speaks louder than what we say. Through Chess4Life, Elliott has been developing coaches and systems that focus on understanding chess and how to think so that students can figure out the best moves in any position, not just memorizing patterns. His program also helps students avoid acquiring bad habits that are difficult to correct. Chess4Life has a proven training system with multiple national champion students and some of the highest ranked students in the United States. Our classes consist of the following elements: Lesson or lecture on chess strategy and tactics Chess exercises, including puzzles Practice time for chess play Reviewing material learned   Our coaches employ a number of teaching tools including DVD's and Workbooks created and designed by NM Elliott Neff. Elliott spent hundreds of hours answering the following question: "Assuming I had a new student who knew nothing about chess but was motivated to learn, what would I teach and in what order so as to avoid bad habits? What would lay the strongest foundation possible and do so in the most effective way?" The answer and solution is Elliott's Chess School. At Chess4Life we also offer a number of other programs, including camps, tournaments, and an after school enrichment program all designed to build character and thinking skills. Today, even while developing national championship students and teams, Elliott's goal is to develop the many skills that chess provides in each of the students that attend Chess4Life programs, whether or not the student moves on to championship level. Seeing children develop into confident, persistent achievers is a wonderful reward for the work put into creating Chess4Life programs! Chess4Life focuses on positively encouraging students at all levels, developing sportsmanship and ''team play'', and providing the opportunities that students need in order to achieve in chess classes, private lessons, camps, and tournaments. We at Chess4Life very much look forward to working with you and your children to positively impact their lives through chess.Old Redmond School HouseCommunity CenterRedmond, Washington, Email: