
"Checkers are for tramps." ~ Paul Morphy


"Dead lost is a state of mind." ~ Nico Chasin


"If you're gonna cheat, cheat better." ~ Julian Proleiko


"His name is Karpov - of Carp - fish, and he is cold like a fish, and his mind exact, precise, like well- like a fish. You know, so he is not - well - he doesn't have uh, tendency to underestimate or even overestimate. Yes, see this is his best chess quality. He is not- he is not- er well, he is not creative in chess, he is not creative in openings or endings. He is exact, like a good pupil, that's all." ~ Viktor Korchnoi


"My preparation was, ok, I will just play e4 and then we will see what will happen." ~ Vassily Ivanchuk


"I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people." ~ Savielly Tartakower


"It's always better to sacrifice your opponent's men." ~ Savielly Tartakower


"I won't play with you anymore. You have insulted my friend." ~ Miguel Najdorf


"Nowadays tournaments are for nurseries. Look at those kiddies." ~ Miguel Najdorf


"During a chess tournament a master must envisage himself as a cross between an ascetic monk and a beast of prey." ~ Alexander Alekhine


"Play on both sides of the board is my favorite strategy." ~ Alexander Alekhine


"Chess is a struggle, mainly with your mistakes." ~ Sergey Prokofiev


"He is not a chess player who, having lost a game, does not claim that he had a winning position." ~ Ilya Ilf


"Being a good player is not enough - you also need to play well." ~ Siegbert Tarrash


"A good player is always lucky." ~ Jose Raul Capablanca


"The guy who's more wrong; he's actually right." ~ Benjamin Finegold


"Whatever you do, you're going to lose." ~ Benjamin Finegold


"He's getting rid of his one problem, his king." ~ Simon Williams


"Just because I am French blitz champion doesn't mean anything. I just got lucky. Chess is just luck. You know?" ~ Jules Moussard


"Chess isn't as complicated as I thought, apparently. You just capture the opponent's pawns and that's it." ~ Jon Ludwig Hammer


"Ornament sounds very scary." ~ Hovhannes Gabuzyan


"I'm going to break my tongue." ~ Hovhannes Gabuzyan


"Your legs will recover eventually, but your laptop will not." ~ Hovhannes Gabuzyan


"When you become a GM, you don't become good at chess; you become good at flagging." ~ Hovhannes Gabuzyan


"One more mouse slip and I'm going to destroy this one." ~ Hovhannes Gabuzyan


"These guys would eventually say 'Would you like to play,' and I said, 'Like really, like can I?' and then they'd clobber me badly like really worse." ~ Yasser Seirawan


"And they gave me a trophy. Wow. And the trophy that I won — and I felt I was deserving cause after all I did win two games — was the best under 14. What I didn't realize until years later was that I was the only player under 14!" ~ Yasser Seirawan


"I am a world champion, and I am not obliged to discuss anything with anyone." ~ Viswanathan Anand


"I'll say Magnus. I wanna be there in this awkward silence and watch him suffer. He's like 'What the hell am I doing here.' I'm going to watch him and make him suffer, and he'd be like 'I think you're done.' I'm like 'No, I think let's have some coffee or tea or — you want some dessert?' 'No, I'm fi...' 'No, I do want some dessert!' 'They have excellent cheesecake in this place. Did you know that?' And then afterwards, I'd be like 'I had a tea. You know what? Dinner felt like it was hours ago let's just start all over.' And you know I think we're gonna take a while there. Yeah, I want to watch him suffer."~ Anish Giri


"No, nobody likes the French. I also didn't like the French, but like, the course makes it great because like, it's a sh** opening but with- I have done so much work to make it actually kind of- first of all correct, basically correct, but also like fun. I mean I'm making like- I basically recreate- I take this crappy French and make something great out of it." ~ Anish Giri


"Of course, you didn't know, you didn't buy my course Sagar." ~ Anish Giri


"I know completely what Magnus feels like, nothing special." ~ Anish Giri


"Frankly, I am glad they both got a haircut." ~ Anish Giri


"I have a very strange desire to – to work on my chess. I don't know it's very strange." ~ Anish Giri


"So, I get paired. I go to ChessBase India channel. I make sure I'm subscribed, just to be sure, and then I hit the bell also, and then I tap my opponents name in there, and then I start watching all the interviews. By the time I'm done with that, I have one hour left before the game. Then I type into you know- the ChessBase what opening they play, and then I'm good to go. That's how I usually do it." ~ Anish Giri


"I was inputting the moves, and I saw the computer you know- going back to equality with kinds of insane line, and I like 'Wow this is so amazing what Adhiban played. I'm going to play it as well.' and then I saw this second option computer said also knight fd7, and I saw 'Wow queen takes f7 is equal to zero- triple zero.' I was like 'Unbelievable you can sacrifice a queen for just two pawns and be equal' I was like 'Oh this is the best line I've ever seen.' and then I put the moves nxe6 and I see the whole point is just to repeat moves nc7 ne6 there is no- of course you're down the queen for just two pawns of course you can do nothing I mean if you take my rook you're just queen for a rook. It's nothing you need the rook and the piece and like I don't know what more. So, the whole point of- and then I was like 'You know like okay this line is not as great as it looks, I mean this just forces a draw.'" ~ Anish Giri


"Of course, I knew he will try to surprise me because it's what people do against my Najdorf, so It's what you- what you sign up for when you decide to sell merchandise instead of play chess." ~ Anish Giri


"Obviously he's prepared. Like I mean, what is he preparing against if not for Najdorf? I mean, I don't know if not then something's wrong with him." ~ Anish Giri


"No, no, it's all fine. It's legal. It's legal. It's legal. Every item is legal. No, no, these are not sport sneakers they are leather sneakers. The hoodie is not mentioned as something that is not allowed. It doesn't say that you can't wear hoodies. It's all- It's all checked by my lawyers; it's fine." ~ Anish Giri


"We are all, relatively speaking, noobs and broke." ~ Anish Giri


"Life is tough. Life is very unfair." ~ Maxime Vachier-Lagrave


"My experience will speak for itself." ~ Maxime Vachier-Lagrave


"Even better is doing nothing." ~ Maxime Vachier-Lagrave


"It's the process of hurting others. It's great." ~ Ian Nepomniachtchi


"I am not bad player in rapid or blitz." ~ Vlaidslav Artemiev


"I found that I was frequently underestimating the bishop pair as a long-term asset." ~ Sam Shankland


"Chess makes you smarter and it makes you more confident and it makes you taller." ~ Sam Shankland


"If the rooks are good the exchange sacrifice should fail." ~ Sam Shankland


"I always do admire your [David Pruess] optimism." ~ Sam Shankland


"I thought this was just theory, and I was supposed to- if- that Qb2 is always a draw after Nb5, and I wanted to play, but apparently this just wins in one move, and I'm too stupid to see it, is that what you're telling me?" ~ Sam Shankland


"After five moves, ok, you should just kick both of us [Shankland and Tang] out of the tournament then. I mean that's really bad." ~ Sam Shankland


"It's a good question. For example, why does Hikaru always have a bad score against Nakamura?" ~ Jorden van Foreest


"Classic!" ~ Samuel Sevian


"Was there a chess portion?" ~ Aman Hambleton


"I'm sure there will be revolution in France now after iPhone 15." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"I feel like MVL has the chance to be a good moderator." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"When you are tilted, you should not try to come out of tilt just continue to be tilted." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"Just be tilted in life and it will work." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"Dude, [Hikaru Nakamura] chess is not that easy. This guy thinks I am amateur. He thinks I am stupid." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"I am just a stupid person." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"I should just play fast, ok." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"The guy next to me [Maxime Vachier-Lagrave] is a world champion. Yeah, we trained a lot together. So, I think he improved a lot." ~ Alireza Firouzja


"It's not a cat; it's a chess engine." ~ Fabiano Caruana


"Nakamura, also, sometimes runs away with things." ~ Fabiano Caruana


"He- he was a little bit pissed off before because when we would play basketball Cristian would take his shirt off and then block- block people. Sometimes with his bare chest, and Rustam was not happy about this at all." ~ Fabiano Caruana


"I was a little thief as a kid. I would steal small things." ~ Fabiano Caruana


"Ok, Hikaru, Wesley only play the berl- ok, well not only, but they almost exclusively play the berlin." ~ Fabiano Caruana


"If I say 50% [cheaters], if he says 25%, and someone says 80%, it really doesn't matter. 25% is already, uh like it's just- tournaments are meaningless after 25%. If it's 100% it's actually more meaningful because then at least people are fighting on the same terms." ~ Fabiano Caruana


“I’ve known a long time about Eric’s crush on me.” ~ Fabiano Caruana


“Sometimes my own moves confuse me.” ~ Fabiano Caruana


"That's how you make an accurate prediction; you leave out the part that was incorrect." ~ Fabiano Caruana


"I'm a horse, and someone is betting on me." ~ Fabiano Caruana


"So black has managed to ruin our f-pawns, how sad." ~ Wesley So


"Chess speaks for itself." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I'm now going to make the greatest rise to world champion, and the entire world is going to watch. You're calling me arrogant now, but you'll be calling me humble in five years." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I look forward to competing against Magnus in chess rather than in court." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I don't even want you to explain it to me because then I will lose my humanity." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"In the course, I have a saying about this position. Our opponents play e6, and we don’t really know if they are comfortable going into the French because some of our opponents might allow us a chance to go to the French knowing that we won't go to the French because we think that they’re comfortable with the French—meaning that they’re going to be more comfortable in the French than we are in the French; however, they can also know that we are comfortable in the French and that we think that they are comfortable in the French, thus making us not go into the French transposition, thus letting them play e6 without actually having to proper knowledge in the French. And that’s why this course is the greatest of all time." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"How does this guy have the copypasta ready?" ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I talk a lot about bringing our opponents into our jungle, right. We are the supreme leaders of our jungle. Like, you know, the lion. Let's say another lion tries to come in and fight that lion and they're like they're on a little battleground and they're like going down, they're throwing down. And let's say there's a secret like, you know, like a false trap. Like let's say you step on a rock and then you fall down like a cliff. That will be, we will lure them, you know. We slowly lure them into that spot as the lion and poof, you know, down, down the cliff they go. So, if you think I'm crazy after listening to that, I'm not crazy, I'm a genius, and I'm a creative genius. And that's why I've brought this Chessable course to you today. I think that after hearing that it's impossible for you not to just get the lifetime repertoire with video as well of course because you're enjoying all of my amazing video references. Okay, okay, so yeah the Dutch no match for the Jobava." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"My opponent blundered a piece on move 10. For not resigning, as punishment, was I had to promote to 3 knights, and I gave him a knightmare." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"'How tall am I?' 6'61." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


 "That's not rage that's a mild spurt of excitement." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Anish was deeply engaged in a children's show." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"There's no drugs in cigars. It's purely aesthetic." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Cigarettes are bad." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Don't drink soda." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I have beautiful eyelashes? You're not the first one to say that." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I really started to think deeply about these pigeons." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I had the idea to create a worldwide pigeon index." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I'm considering in investing everything I have into this pigeon index." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"That was a positional masterclass and then a masterclass in absolutely choking." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I think that Hikaru needs some makeup after his fight with Eric Hansen." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"When I become the first American world champion chess is going to be mainstream." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"No coach, life is my teacher." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Their words speak for themselves." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Daddy is here that's what I say after every game." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Why did I say that? I shouldn't have said that." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"You have to know how to call a taxi, how to order food." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I don't use shampoo." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"What if the chemicals leech into my brain and I forget how to play chess?" ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I don't want to put chemicals near my brain. That's why I've never used Bluetooth." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I don't use sunscreen as well." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I am insane, and I love chess too much." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Of course, I use soap, but nothing near my head because this brain, this is all I have." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"2100s are just superior to me nowadays." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I just assumed 2100s made bad moves." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"There's no excuses you just gotta win chess games." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"When you can't play chess, you just go for dirty tricks. It's a very simple strategy." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"It helps me to play chess when I have the biggest room in the hotel as that's already a psychological advantage." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"If I'm in this room there's no excuse for me to not win this tournament." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Like if someone from a smaller room won the tournament, I'd have to give them the room because they won the tournament." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I was sort of picked up in a limo for the tournament, but it wasn't a limo it was like a secure truck." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Call me Bobby Fischer but you know someone has to stand up for, you know, stand up against, you know, these organizers." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Chess is life; that is what you don't understand. The chess game is the only thing that matters." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I'm sure this entire playing hall, when I lose, they take serious pleasure in that." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"There's no friendships on the chess board." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Chess is life; life is chess. The game of chess continues on and off the board, ok. It is a continuous and perpetual game of chess until death." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"There's like this photo actually- group photo and um my- the t-shirt I'm wearing says that you've been pwned, and I think that really embodies my- my character, and I don't think I've changed one bit since then. I've just gotten better at hiding my- my arrogance." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I think that um you know chess players are- are sadistic and masochistic at the exact same time um, so uh, I think that any top- top chess player uh is- is definitely motivated by their ego. Some hide it uh and pretend to be humble but uh I assure you in private uh they're not like that. They're wishing that all of their opponents uh shed a few tears." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I'm not talented at all. I've never shown any promise." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I've been trying to get a Rolex, but um, they're difficult to get. When I told them I'm Hans Niemann, I expected them to say 'Ok, well here's your Rolex,' but it didn't work like that." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"It's like every time I'm like hoping to play a tournament, I think the mail man just steals my invitation. Does that ever happen to you guys? Maybe it's just me." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"You remember in high school, guys, when the popular kids had like a party and you were expecting to get invited, but somehow your invitation just got lost. It kind of feels like I'm just reliving high school. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just imagining everything." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I assure you I'm not being dramatic." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I'm like having a migraine in my foot." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"Who needs drugs when you've got chess?" ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I was hoping he'd go crazy and push for a win." ~ Hans Moke Niemann


"I'm not going to go crazy and push for the win." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Norway's not a real country." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Fabiano's not playing in the women's section, not yet at least." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"All these emotes are going to make me go insano in my braino." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"My name is Magnus Carlsen, and I do nothing but play endgames." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"'I should be a DJ instead of a world class chess player,' that's always a possibility." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"'Would love to see Parham in the candidates,' no." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Dominguez is as bad as I am after eight hours of streaming!" ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Let's get a new Pokimane. Everyone wants one of those." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"A fishhook is only good if you can catch the fish." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"A very obvious move that 22 years ago I simply- my feeble brain could not compute." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Plus, when you do the repetition, you give your opponent false hope which is always a good thing." ~ Chirstopher Hikaru Nakamura


"In Japan? You'd probably get beaten with a cane or something if you did that." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura

"I've literally adopted 524 people. I'm almost as prolific as Genghis Khan." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Vishy for a long time didn't eat anything." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"I slipperied him." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"I can also trade and take and take and if takes, I take, if takes, takes, takes, queen e2, queen h4, g3, knight g3 check, c6, queen b7, knight h1, king there. I don’t know what’s going on I’m just gonna castle. I don’t want to think too much." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Like I said you guys, everybody can say what they want about me playing chess, but I'm like I'm- I'm a true gamer like I'm an OG. I actually gamed back like in- in the real world. And of course, what do you guys see? Freaking chess like chess on SNES." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Even at ten, I was a genius." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"I'm just a chess player you guys; I just push wood." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Maybe I'm just looking to see if there are any attractive girls out there." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"Starting to realize that I am the only person who is going to be able to stop Sauron in the context of chess history." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura


"You know what else smells like adoption? Your face smells like adoption." ~ Daniel "The Prophet" Naroditsky


"This is like the edgiest thing I've ever said in my life which is 'Maybe you should go to the hearing doctor.'" ~ Daniel "The Prophet" Naroditsky


"Sadly, I'm not a 2700 which is why you're [Hikaru Nakamura] always disappointed in me." ~ Benjamin Bok


"I'm better here because I'm better at chess but also because my position is better." ~ Levy Rozman


"Wait a minute, it does! Because when he plays king d2, I don't- I don't have to check him with my rook. I can check him with my knight, and then I win a pawn, and then I win back my rook, and somebody told me that in my headphones which are totally not playing trance music right now! Somebody told me about ne4!" ~ Levy Rozman


"When I was going up in the elevator, I thought 'Alright, I'm only going to see him, and I'll like try to scare him.' So I put it [mask] on, and the elevator gets there, like, as the door opens, and there is like a group of 5 men looking at me, and I sort of realized 'Ok, like, if they don't get scared, I basically get killed in the next 20 seconds,' and it was just weird, like, they were clearly scared, but I though, again, 'I shouldn't attack because they can fight back,' and I was- I just said like something like let me go and yeah. I was very- it was a typical chicken club robbery, you know?" ~ Daniil Dubov


"Just don't be nervous if you can't cope with it." ~ Daniil Dubov


"He [Daniil Dubov] talks a lot and plays crappily." ~ Daniil Dubov


"When I win one game in some sweaters, it gets the glory. Now, winning one game is already a very big achievement for me and for my sweater." ~ Daniil Dubov


"I was completely winning. If I don't kill myself tonight, I'm gonna live a thousand years." ~ Ivan Sokolov


"Chess stuff I'm terrible at." ~ Magnus Carlsen


"It's allowed I make the rules." ~ Magnus Carlsen


"Where to resign?" ~ Magnus Carlsen


"I will not accept a draw of course. We are not a charity business here." ~ Magnus Carlsen


"No comment." ~ Magnus Carlsen


"Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it's okay to lose. I don't. You have to be merciless." ~ Magnus Carlsen




"No, no, but Benjamin you have no chance of winning because 50% of the players are cheating. You have no chance of winning. Why play?" ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura

"That's true." ~ Benjamin Bok

"Well if he's cheating..." ~ Jon Ludvig Hammer

"No, no, come on lets- let's be very- very funny Hammer. Let's be serious." ~ Benjamin Bok

"Well, 50%, it means one of us, statistically one of us." ~ Jon Ludvig Hammer




"Fabiano had a big slump. He almost I think fell out of- I think he did fall out of the top 5. I'm not sure how far away he was from falling out of the top 10, but it was clearly visible that he was not playing up to his own standards uh like post pandemic there abouts. Um and my- my question was gonna be... What was my question going to be?" ~ Jon Ludvig Hammer

"It's about Fabiano probably." ~ Christopher Hikaru Nakamura




"I think that we also need to get a goat... something. A goat shirt a goat, uh, hoodie. Goats are important... They're, uh, kind creatures. I don't know if they're kind, but there's a lot of goats. Some are bound to be kind. Some are... some live in the mountain, and they're probably more aggressive." ~ Fabiano Caruana

"Generally, if I would meet a goat on the street, I would not approach, or if I would approach it, I would approach it cautiously." Cristian Chirila

"You're not meeting a goat on the street. How are you meeting a goat on the street? What is the scenario where a goat is on the street?" ~ Fabiano Caruana

"So, I've been to Tenerife recently, and they have this nice mountainside in the island, and there were some goats." ~ Cristian Chirila

"That's not the street. That's the mountain." ~ Fabiano Caruana

"Yeah, I guess so, but there were like streets on the mountains." ~ Cristian Chirila 

"Goats like... Goats like mountains, for sure." ~ Fabiano Caruana

"Yeah, mountain goats." ~ Cristian Chirila

"Mountain goats, yeah." ~ Fabiano Caruana




 "How many beers would it take, for you to drink, for me to beat you in a classical chess game?" ~ Levy Rozman

"That's a very difficult question because I would probably sober up during the game, so I'd probably have to keep drinking. Probably start with 20 and take it from there." ~ Magnus Carlsen

"20, okay. What's the size of the cup?" ~ Levy Rozman

"Pints." ~ Magnus Carlsen

"Okay, 20." ~ Levy Rozman




"How many beers would you need to drink for you to beat me in a classical chess game?" ~ Levy Rozman

"I've never passed out from drinking beer, so I don't know what my limit is. Whatever that is, I think we're looking at that number." ~ Fabiano Caruana

"10?" ~ Levy Rozman

"I think I'd still be pretty fine after 10." ~ Fabiano Caruana

"20? 20 beers?" ~ Levy Rozman

"Well, if I'm awake after 20." ~ Fabiano Caruana




"It's a really long tournament. You have 13 rounds, how do you maintain energy, uh, after so many rounds?" ~ Charlize van Zyl

"Okay, you have to do it anyway maybe you- you don't maintain anything, but at the end of the day, you'll have to go through it. So like, my advice is to make some short draws sometimes, but uh, for the kids it's probably not, uh, like, a very inspirational example, yeah." ~ Daniil Dubov




"... Regarding blitz, how do you improve at blitz? Of course, it's not just chess, it's being fast, seeing things, what would your recommendation be to the average player to improve their blitz?" ~ Charlize van Zyl

"Yeah, I think people in general tend to overestimate the difference between like normal chess and faster formats like rapid and blitz. Basically, if you look at the results of let's say these world championships, like, it's not that some guy with like 2550 Elo rating suddenly finishes third, so if you improve- if you improve your chess you- you- you improve your blitz. This would be my, uh, yeah, my advice." ~ Daniil Dubov




"You beat Magnus? What did you feel at that time?" ~ Dina Belenkaya

"Nothing." ~ Nodirbek Abdusattorov




"I'm very sorry." ~ Ian Nepomniachtchi

"My fault." ~ Fabiano Caruana




"It's not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." ~ William Shakespeare