"When you see a good move, look for a better one!!"
That Ani't Dababy, That's My Baby 🐣
I mean your already here, might as well join the club: King Strategies
Random Rules and Things About Me:
- The Name's Matthew.
- Username use to be XXX-101.
- Going for National Master before I turn 21. (Got the GothamChess Course! its worth it)
- I’m a starter defensive back for the 3rd best football team in the state.
- I'm 16, Started playing chess at 11.
- Mom's Colombian so that make me Colombian .
- Lichess Account: https://lichess.org/@/RooksOnSteroids
- Played in the Chesskid Monthly Championship Finals.
- Rated 1257 USCF. I think I’m underrated OTB.
- Favorite music artist is 21 Savage and DaBaby. (Im not black
- SA in one of the biggest clubs on chess.com
- Owner in a 1k member club: https://www.chess.com/club/king-strategies
- I hate daily chess, I always forget to move.
- Top 1k in all time puzzle rush, scored 52
- and Please do not spam me questions.