

These are the clubs I have administrative rolls in.

7200+ Chess Champ (admin)

2000+Man's Best Friend (admin)

1900+Paladins Of Chess (admin/vote chess leader) vs. ChessKid (Coordinator/vote chess leader)

1000+The Prodigies Of Chess (admin/vote chess leader)

300+Paul Morphy Rebels (Super Admin)

200+ Leap Year Brigade (Coordinator/Vote Chess Leader)

100+The Countries Chess Club Super Admin

40+ Team Puppy(Owner/Founder)

and more! Need an SA or a VC Leader? Look no further!

VC leader in three 1000+ member clubs? VC leader in 400 VC matches? Sounds impossible. But then again, who cares about impossibility! 

Bone is the W VC leader. @Gmchessminator

I like what Bone likes- @GMchessminator

We need a VC leader. @Spooky_Germonies

Would you do the same for my club as you've done for this club? @Jared