The NON-Chess Elites

৩ জন সদস্য
২২ নভে, ২০২০
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So if you don't know much about colby. I suggest you get off this forum and do some research. But for a shorten version. Colby is a multi accouter. And basically a troll. I bet you this forum will get taken down. And I might get banned and stuff. But someones gotta take one for the team and tell the truth.

So about the F.I.A. (Forum Intelligence Agency.)  The club needs to be disabled. It spreads false info about others in his club. I've heard dumb rumors the club spreads. You can ask @roaming_roster for screenshots. They are not staff, so quit try to ban someone. If someone is trolling report it to via email. Don't make a whole forum about it. (I've emailed so many times about colby. Nothing was coming out from it. It's really dumb. And you are framing people for no reason. 

For the Forum elite nobody cares how much views or points you have. For a club it's just a stupid idea. Colby makes fun of those who don't have all the requirements, but yet he does not reach them himself. And the club is dead. Not as "elite" as colby says it is. If you want more info on the club. Click here ----->

In all colby will probably get me banned with his alt. But he just needs to be banned. How have staff NOT realized this! It's in plain sight!

Anyway I may or may not add more if you need to.

Just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,



she took one for the team
