
24 Members
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The Ferocious Four Knights

The Four Knights has quite an extensive history in chess, and has quite a few styles that White can adopt right in the first few moves, from the Scotch with 4.d4, to the Spanish with 4.Bb5, and even the dreaded Halloween Attack with 4.Nxe5!? In this group, we will be focusing on lines after 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6. Of course, it will also focus on deviations that Black can play on the first, second or third move, but primarily we will cover when all four knights and both e-pawns are pushed to their optimum squares by move three. We will be playing vote and team chess, and there will be open forums available for discussing your favorite ideas. I hope you enjoy this group! One request - please treat others the way that you wish to be treated - no rude comments, so that the group retains a friendly atmosphere. Other than that, welcome to the group!

Super Admins

Ed | Missouri, United States
Joined Aug 10, 2009
Alex Yu | San francisco, United States
Joined Jun 26, 2011
Lee Hancock | Stroud, England
Joined Sep 30, 2011


tham van nuland | nijmegen, Netherlands
Joined Aug 10, 2009