Miembro Platino

Hello! Thanks for visiting my profile, My name is Ari, and I love chess! I started playing at the end of 2022, and I have only loved chess more ever since. I love puzzles, fast games, and playing in arenas. I recently tilted quite a lot of elo, but my peaks are: 2112 in bullet, 1920 in blitz, and 1614 rapid (If I played rapid more I could get it a lot higher). My goals for the end of 2024 are :

2300 bullet

2050 blitz

1900 rapid

And hopefully I can get 45+ in a 3min puzzle rush 🧩

Adopted by @theunderdog001


-Witty_Alien, Hikaru, Lars Weber, Mikhail Tal

Romantic chess player

Nice win with Alien Gambit👽

best quote you've never heard 😐: si- sit at the chessboard and play with yourself,
it's a amazing, aaah ok ah. - cagnoose marlson

@Lars1540 will be a GM one day.

Destroying the GothamChess bot with the alien gambit, 1 brilliant and 94 percent accuracy 👽 


I have lots of other hobbies than chess. During covid, I learned how to solve a Rubik’s cube, and quickly grew to love speedcuing, and was able to achieve a sub 10 average. I also love astrophotography (taking photos of space), and I love to travel to take photos 📸. I also dabbled in digital photo restoration of old and damaged black and white photos. It was very time consuming, but I was very dedicated to it. I haven’t done any more restoration projects in a few months though. I speak English, french, and Spanish. So yeah, that’s me. I love learning new things, being outdoors, and playing chess. If you made it this far, thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

This was one of my first photos of the moon, during the lunar eclipse in 2022

Above is my lovely cat Tabitha ❤️