DHLC Chess Improvement vs King's Indian Defense

King's Indian Defense voitti ottelun

King's Indian Defense: Normal Variation

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To continue our "Learn by Doing Series, let's explore the KID. The last move , 3...Bg7 marks Black's intention to play the King's Indian Defense. According to FCO (Fundamental Chess Openings)The KID is more of a system verses a specific set of moves involving Nf6 and a fianchettoed Kingside. However, born from the KID is the specific move order of the Grunfeld Defense when Black plays d5. White will most often reply in the KID system with Nc3 (which is our starting position) followed by Black's d6. The KID is "...a plausible defense" to learn as Dan Heisman writes in his article on "What is a good Opening?". Does White have what it takes?
DHLC - A Guide To Chess Improvement
DHLC - A Guide To Chess Improvement
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King's Indian Defense
King's Indian Defense
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