
❤️ 🇵🇸 ❤️

Nurse currently based in Dubai. 

I love sci-fi and fantasy, and am currently reading Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel. I'm a hugeeee Critical Role fan and obsessively binging C2, so any Critters out there should definitely say bidet! wink.png I'm a big foodie, always experimenting in the kitchen (occasionally successfully!). I support Liverpool FC, and I love Mohamed Salah far too much. 

I learned how to play chess as a kid, but only really got into it when The Queen's Gambit on Netflix aired a couple of years ago. I now go through phases of playing chess a lot and then not playing for months (which kind of kills my progress... 👀). I want to improve at Rapid and Blitz but my schedule means I'm kind of stuck playing Daily games for now. Happy to offer tips to beginners to chess who want a plan on how to advance. 

Anyway, I'm pretty friendly, so don't be afraid to say hi! wink.png