
Great to meet ya', I'm Barry 🤝.

I'm an avid speed chess player and I LOVE playing on Chess.com to test out new tactics and fine tune the strategies I offer over at the https://www.SpeedChess.club website (v2.0 is on the way).

Though I'm as competitive as the next person, I'm definitely not a sore loser because at the end of the day, it's all in great fun and helps everyone learn and get better. So as long as you're not chess-trolling my chatbox with negativity, then I definitely welcome you to a game! Just add me as a friend and send me a challenge 😎

OH! And before I forget....

  1. If you've made it this far (lol), please make sure you join my brand spanking new chess club here on Chess.com that I call "The Clubhouse". 

    Here is where our community will get together for chess matches and tournaments when I throw our famous Chess Boss contests. (It'll also play into the theme of our upcoming NFT project 🤫😉)

  2. Special shout out to all my fellow crows over at the Crazy Crow Chess Club! 🗣 CAW CAW