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Monday saw the 75th birthday of Jaclyn Smith, one of the original Charlie's Angels who was there till the end, so 1976-81 and had appeared in the recent film series in the same role as a mentor. She did other things, such as Nightkill 1980 and the TV movie of The Bourne Identity 1988, and she was nominated for a Golden Globe for Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy 1981. However she diversified into cosmetics and product developments, becoming the face of KMart, and now has her own Style range. Born in Houston, Texas she graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio, and for a while trained for ballet at the Lincoln Centre, NYC. Still regards Houston as her home town and eventually married a heart surgeon from there, who now works in Chicago, Illinois where she has opened her own store. We believe she is worthy of a match in her honour and hope you will accept. If the number or ratings do not suit, then please make contact to adjust
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The Film and TV Buffs
The Film and TV Buffs
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