The Film and TV Buffs vs Team ILLINOIS

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Tuesday saw the 75th anniversary of the birth of Carrie Snodgress, who died in 2004 aged just 58. She shot to fame with an Oscar and BAFTA nomination for Diary of a Mad Housewife 1970, for which she received two Golden Globes, one as best actress and one as promising newcomer. At the height of her fame though she paused to marry and raise a family with Neil Young at his ranch in North California. When that broke up, she returned to LA but the hiatus had lost her career momentum, albeit she continued to work in films such as Pale Rider 1985, in TV series such as ER, The West Wing and Murder, She Wrote but also on the stage. We believe she is worthy of a match in her honour and hope you will accept. If the number or ratings do not uit, please make contact
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The Film and TV Buffs
The Film and TV Buffs
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