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On the start date it will be the 45th birthday of Parminder, Nagra. Born and raised in Leicester, she spent some time acting in minor roles and theatre productions, but came to fame with Bend it Like Beckham 2002. Since then she has rarely been offscreen, starring in many seasons of ER 2003-09, Season 1 of The Blacklist 2013-14, Season 4 of Agents of SHIELD 2016-17, and Fortitude 2017-18, as well as most recently the series 13 Reasons Why. At the start of her career she lived in Kennington, South London and is often in Los Angeles, but still regards Leicester as her home town. We believe a match should be held in her honour and hope you will accept.
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The Film and TV Buffs
The Film and TV Buffs
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