
Willing to join clubs if you need help for admins and stuff i am pretty good at it (message me the club as i am no longer accepting invites besides this purpose).

Quotes I came up with:

"Life is like a Pogo stick, you go up but always come down, but you decide when to bounce back" - Alexander William Johnson The Third

"Food is Food (in context of talking about eating grandmothers)" - Alexander William Johnson The Third

Clubs I hold administrative roles in:

740+ Members Super Admin: Star Wars

520+ Member Super Admin: The Avengers

290+ Member Coordinator: Mittens742689s club

150+ Member Super Admin: THE LAMBORGHINI CLUB

130+ Members Owner: The Brilliant Chess Organization

110+ Members Super Admin: Stream of luck

60+ Members Admin: The Players of Chess

50+ Members Super Admin: Pilipinas Club ng Batangas PCnB

Top Friends:

@atomicbomb122464: I know him outside of this space and although i joke his an Uranian latino he is still a great guy!

@subparshark: the goat revived SW one of the great luminaries of SW!

@lordvader500: Really astonishing to talk to spectacular bloke

@c-2dlt2b: i could talk to this guy for hours (i have) he is really tranquil

@sweetpeabuddy: pacooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

@mandothemango1067: cool guy great for a chat and one of the best club admins on the market (metaphorically we dont do slavery any more)

@bash79f: giving me gold membership!