
饾懢饾拞饾拲饾拕饾拹饾拵饾拞 饾挄饾拹 饾拵饾挌 饾拺饾挀饾拹饾拠饾拪饾拲饾拞.聽

Nobody thinks much of a shadow. People like us were just a...whisper in the night, and a shroud of mystery veiling the depths of the unknown. Your curious to see us shadows. Once you find out what's beneath the surface lies a world waiting to be explored by those daring enough to venture into the shadows.聽

饾搻饾摶饾摦 饾攤饾摳饾摼 饾摪饾摳饾摲饾摲饾摢 饾摣饾摦 饾摻饾摫饾摦 饾摳饾摲饾摦 饾摻饾摳 饾摻饾摢饾摯饾摦 饾摻饾摫饾摢饾摻 饾摷饾摻饾摦饾摴?