Background credit: @onikkussu on discord.
Profile update in progress.... .. .... more content coming soon! <3 💖
Welcome to my profile!! :3
I'm an athletic furry teenage boy (16) who enjoys playing chess, watching baseball, playing piano, point-and-click games, and grinding chesskid puzzle duel. When I'm not arguing with @thepremover15 about how the Cardinals are the best MLB team, I'm probably speedrunning some random video game, setting some type of obscure world record, or defending my crown as king of puzzle duel. Feel free to leave a note! On second thought, you, yes- YES YOU, DON'T LOOK AT HIM, I'M TALKING TO YOU- go leave a note! I love making and meeting new friends all of the time :3 😺
Some facts about me:
- Age: 16
- Gender: Male
- Where I live: MO, USA. Don't ask me to be more specific, cuz I'm not giving u my address uwu 😹
- My religion: Catholicism
- Favorite Movie: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
- Favorite Animal: Cats, cats, and more cats. Foxes are mi- Fine, I'll admit foxes are adorable, RAY
- Favorite Book Series: the Green Ember series by S.D. Smith and the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.
- Favorite Color(s): Orange and robin blue
- My Job: I am currently a service technician for a tire shop, installing, repairing and replacing old or new tires, whatever the situation calls for 😺
Other random facts about me:
- I am a furry :3
- What is my fursona? A ginger anthropomorphic CAT (CAT!!!! IT'S NOT NOT NOT A FOX I'M TELLING YOU) with blue eyes, a big bushy tail, white chest, and- I'll stop there lol, no need to write out every single detail (btw orange cats are NOT dumb 😿😿)
- No, just because I'm a furry doesn't mean I'm gay or a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
- I am the king of puzzle duel, in case you didn't see the banner at the top of my bio
- I am extremely skilled at some useless .io games
- I like playing boring old SNES games
- I'm a master PC gamer, millions of hotkeys in a game is my specialty
- I'm a sweaty gamer, I love to grind games lol
I work on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for about 7.5 hours each day. I won't likely be online on those days for a while, so keep that in mind if you want to message and get a quick response from me, or play a chess match against me. 😸
🔥New PC specs:🔥 (for those like me who enjoy PC specs and stats 😹)
Processor: Ryzen 9 7900x
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GForce RTX 4070 Ti super w/ 16 GB of RAM
RAM: 32 GB (upgradable up to 128 GB)
Storage: 2 TB SSD
It's got a TONNNNNN of USB ports
Monitor Specs:
27" QHD OLED screen, with a 360mhz refresh rate that gets me 360 FPS in games 😎
I'm trying to play a lot more OTB tournaments so I can have more experience for when the Chicago national open comes around, I really want to play in that tournament and win my section 😸
My favorite games (other than chess ofc)
My favorite old games:
Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
1Prince of Persia (SNES)
Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES)
F-Zero (SNES)
Gradius III (SNES)
Minesweeper (I am a total WHIZZ at minesweeper lol)
3D Space Cadet Pinball
My favorite modern video games:
⭐️ = finished game on any difficulty
⭐️⭐️ = finished game on hardest difficulty
⭐️⭐️⭐️ = finished game with ALL hardest difficulty settings enabled
Lethal Company -- best first person, multiplayer horror game out there right now in my opinion. Also just my favorite game of all time (other than chess obviously) It's just such a perfect balance of funny moments and scary ones, and the voice chat is awesome when you're playing with friends.
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 ⭐️⭐️ -- best of all the FNAF games imo, the scariest but also most fun
Little 1Kitty, Big City -- Endlessly cute and endlessly fun :3
Ultimate Custom Night (FNAF) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ -- Point and click game. Very fun and a big challenge. I HAVE FINALLY BEATEN 50/20 mode in UCN, a feat that only around 250 people IN THE WORLD since 2018 have accomplished!
Granny games and The Twins by DVloper ⭐️⭐️⭐️ -- 1st person survival horror games that aren't gory and not that scary while also having really good puzzles to solve. And yes, I've extreme mode on all 4 of these games and have won with additional mods that add "impossible mode". I'm such an epic pro speedrunning gamer 😎
Granny 5 (fangame) by ATwelve ⭐️⭐️ -- Fangame of the actual granny series but you're in a hotel. Best fangame out there that I've ever played. Have beaten impossible mode on v1.3 but never with Angeline enabled.
SFFaFN ⭐️⭐️⭐️ -- Basically Ultimate Custom Night but instead of FNAF characters, it's all the character's from DVlopers games. Very challenging and very fun point and click horror game. Have beaten all challenges(including hidden ones!)
Geometry Dash: I got introduced to this game a few months ago by one of my coworkers. Soon after, I purchased the game on steam. Now, I've beaten every single original level in the game with 3 coins, with the exception of Deadlocked, where I only have 1 coin. Fun and addicting game!
Online .io games that I play: -- fast-paced aerial first person shooter game. The usernames I use while playing this game are "Lionblaze" and "Firestar". -- a fun game about friendly narwhales piercing each other. My username while playing this game is [Cat]Lionblaze. If you see me playing while you are, I recommend you join clan [Cat] before I dominate you as I'm very good at this game lol
edit: sadly, ever since I took a break from playing this game it kinda died 😿 -- This isn't just your typical snake game. There are obstacles like rocks and water on the map, as well as slugs and bubbles which can give you power-ups. If you get too big, you even may get a bounty placed on you! It's much more strategic than any other type of game that I've seen out there, and you can team up with friends! My username is Lionblaze. If you want to friend me, my friend ID # is #52887730
My favorite Roblox games:
Before I begin, here is my official analysis of Roblox.
75% of the "games" on Roblox are trash and not even worth playing at all.
20% of the games are decent or OK remakes of actual games out there.
5% of the games are original ideas and well done, or remakes of actual games that were almost identical or even better than they game they were trying to mimic. OK, now that that's through...
Granny Multiplayer by Promidious Games -- This is a very well done multiplayer remake of the Granny series. It also includes three original maps with their own original puzzles.
Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition (WCUE) You can create your own Warrior Cats and roleplay in this official game based on "Warriors", The New York Times best-selling series of fantasy books. WCUE brings the "Warriors" series off the written page and into the Roblox world! A really fun roleplaying game, it also is in the world of my favorite book series, so what's not to love? 😻
Roblox D-Day
My younger brother (who basically worships roblox *eye roll*) introduced me to this game, and surprisingly, it's pretty well made for a Roblox first person shooter game. Not all the people who play it are 7 year olds either, so you actually can get somewhat of a challenge from it. Probably the only Roblox shooter game I've played so far that was actually decent. Again, it's not amazing, but it's decent.
My other social/gaming website accounts:
Discord: @chesskid_badger (don't spam me or I WILL FIND YOU)
YouTube Gaming Channel:
Nothing to see here-- yet.. very soon though....
YouTube Channel #2:
You again? Seriously, there's no link yet!
My Twitter @ account:
Let what comes before the fourth three be your guide,
that is your first clue.
The two ones, ahead NOT behind,
immediately following will tell you the truth
Put together those two words into one,
read the clues again thoroughly through,
Hasten now, do not stop 'til you're done!
You can do it, I have faith in you!
..good luck.... (plz don't DM random people on Twitter lol, you'll know me when you see me)
If you friend me on any other platform other than, please DM me telling me your username on the site you sent me a friend request.
My best friends on
@25SENSE (sushiracer)
If you're not on the list don't hate me, I still love all of you :3
I'll make a full list of all my friends later because I'm too lazy to do it right now.
1🔥My favorite YouTubers:🔥
My favorite YouTuber of all time, the ultimate warrior cats fan: Blixemi
My favorite gamer, the king of FNAF: Markiplier
2nd favorite gamer/Favorite streamer, the master of the great game Lethal Company, with innumerable guides on the game: Bread His twitch channel:
Always with exciting and funny content, a real treat to watch: Beluga
My VERY OWN Original Quotes:
"Even though they hate furries, all of my irl friends have to admit, I'm the bravest, strongest, fastest, most handsome, smartest, and cutest furry in the world" ~ FullCrowdedBadger
"One of the saddest moments in life is when you finish reading a great book series." ~ FullCrowdedBadger
"I'm afraid I'm actually quite bad at this cooking business, old chap, I'd burn a salad it seems 😿 " ~ FullCrowdedBadger
"Meowdy: the furrier, WAY COOLER way of saying 'howdy' 😻😎" ~ FullCrowdedBadger
I absolutely love cats (can you tell?!) 😻😻😻😻 :3
I LOVE the Green Ember Books by S.D. Smith!!!!! If you have also read the Green Ember books please consider joining the Green Ember Fanclub here:
I am a HUGE fan of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter as well. 😸
My favorite characters in the Warriors series (not really in a particular order):
yessir I'm a fan of the Three lol, don't judge me 😹
Other than gaming and reading cat books, I am a talented piano player and I am learning to play the organ as well (side note: organ is SO DIFFERENT compared to piano, it's actually crazy! OK badger continue plz) I've taught myself a number of classical piano pieces in the past, but lately I've enjoyed just playing sound tracks from video games and movies by ear. If a song really interests me, then I'll download a pdf music score for it. I've been working on some songs from the game Undertale recently, they're awesomeeee to listen to and insanely fun to play*once you learn them and after all the rage moments that come when trying to learn a beat to a song, especially one that is super weird like what da heck songwriters
Anyway, bye for now, my screen time is almost up so I have to end this awkwardly byeeeeeee :3
1⭐️ (((UωU` *)(* ´UωU))) ⭐️