Xogador titulado

likes to play for fun , mostly unrated games blitz rapid and sometimes bullet.

before you request a friendship, please consider joining first my club

its fun and 100% Free. you can interact with great folks there

likes to blog

considering bringing chess content to beginners as well as advanced players  and more broadly sharing the richness of what the game offers and its endless possibilities. 

also to the limit of my abilities, helping those of you who are trying to reach for higher chess goals, whichever they may be !

Gens una sumus..


super GM photoshoot, streetwear and 2024 Candidates

the favorites

Hikaru Nakamura

India GMs

France, Alireza Firouzja, the chosen one ?


what should I try next? winning against 3100 ? 

chess lecture 1 ? " how to gain 200 points in 30 days or less"

chess lecture 2 ?  " how to reach 2000 in blitz ?