
I'm a 16 year old Christian that is Homeschooled, if you are too then pls friend me.  The darkness is so deep that/ I could cut it with a knife/ It surrounds me like a vast net/ And seems to take my very life! ~ Ad Victorium (on depression.)I would appreciate ur prayers, life is hard, and i don't know how much more i can take. Regardless remember that even when the whole world is against you, God is for u and watches over u at all times, no problem is too big, no trial to great, no mountain to tall, our God is mighty and powerful! I know that life can be REALLY REALLY hard sometimes, but God is in control, and he puts those trials in our life to strengthen us. (*BULLYING? THINK YOU'RE SO COOL? THE GIRL YOU JUST CALLED FAT?... SHE IS OVERDOSING ON DIET PILLS. THE GIRL YOU JUST CALLED UGLY?... SHE SPENDS HOURS PUTTING MAKEUP AT HOME HOPING PEOPLE WILL LIKE HER. THE BOY YOU JUST TRIPPED?... HE IS ABUSED ENOUGH AT HOME. SEE THAT MAN WITH THE SCARS?... HE FOUGHT FOR HIS COUNTRY. THAT GUY YOU JUST MADE FUN OF FOR CRYING?... HIS MOTHER IS DYING. COPY AND PASTE THIS IF YOU'RE AGAINST BULLYING. I BET 95% OF YOU WONT COPY AND PASTE THIS, BUT I'M SURE THE PEOPLE WITH HEART AND BACKBONE WILL!*) (i copped this from someone else) -If u see this and u struggle with depression, need encouragement, or want a friend, then please friend me!- Также, если вы русский, я бы очень хотел быть вашим другом. 99.9% of you won't post this. When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of you. If you're one of 0.1% that cares, put this on your profile. Any Cristian homeschoolers who are preferably under 19 or 20 would be very welcome to join my club, 'God gave us a book', even if u are not a christian or a homeschooler, and regardless of ur age u will be welcome to our club, and if u would like to learn more about christianity we would be happy to talk with u! if u like politics u could join 'Politics at its finest'. And if you like to write you'd be welcome to join 'Creativity writing'.